Hill Dwarves

The Races of Krynn
Dragonlance Adventures

    Hill dwarves have deep tan to light brown
skin and ruddy cheeks and bright eyes. Their
hair is brown black or gray. They favor earth
tones in their clothing although they will
occasionally wear something bright. Hill
dwarves have deep voices and actually sing
quite well, but getting one to do so requires
exceptional skill in diplomacy.

    Hill dwarves were a part of the mainstream
dwarven society until the Cataclysm. At that
time, they were not permitted to return to
their former homes and were forced to live
permanently above ground. They have
remained here more out of obstinacy than for
lack of suitable mountains to delve.

    Hill dwarves are considered Neidar dwarves
by the mountain dwarves. This refers to their
former clan status before being exiled from
the mountain (see mountain dwarves below
for further descriptions).

    Hill dwarves are as stubborn as their underground
cousins (though each group claims to
be more stubborn than the other). They tend
to be rough and coarse and lack some of the
refinement of their underground fellows.
They complain often but usu. do so to hide
the fact that they have a rather pleasant and
gentle nature.

    Hill dwarves have small communities that
live in above-ground villages. Unmarried hill
dwarves often set out on their own, only occasionally
returning to their original clan. The
hill dwarves have maintained the clan system
that dates from times long before the Cataclysm.
They do not, however, come together
in groups larger than their local clans as the
clans tend to be suspicious, if not hostile to
other clans.


Generating Abilities: The initial ability rolls are modified by a -1 penalty to Charisma and a +1 bonus to Constitution.
The minimum and maximum ability scores for Hill Dwarves are as follows:

Hill Dwarf Ability Scores
Ability Minimum Maximum
Strength 9 18
Intelligence 3 18
Wisdom 3 18
Dexterity 3 17
Constitution 14 19
Charisma 3 12
Comeliness - -

Hill Dwarf Class Limits
Class Maximum Level
Cavalier N/E*
    Paladin N/E*
    Knight of the Crown N/E*
    Knight of the Sword N/E*
    Knight of the Rose N/E*
Fighter Unlim
    Barbarian Unlim
    Ranger 8
Magic-User (Renegade) N/E*
    Illusionist (Renegade) N/E*
    Wizard of High Sorcery N/E*
Thief 10
    Thief/Acrobat 15
Cleric (Heathen) N/E*
    Druid (Heathen) N/E*
    Holy Orders of the Stars 10

* N/E means not eligible for the class