
- - - - -
The Gods of Good - - - DLA

    Kiri-Jolith is the war god of good. He is the
favorite god of paladins and good-aligned
fighters. His constellation seems to threaten
that of the Queen of Darkness in the night

    Kiri-Jolith is the son of Paladine and Mishakal,
but he is their peer in ability. His wtin
brother is Habbakuk. These twins, with Paladine,
form and alliance that supports the
Knights of Solamnia in all their works. Each of
the three Orders of the Knights was established
around one of these three gods.

    Clerics of Kiri-Jolith are powerful in battle
but must USE these formidable powers carefully,
for they can lose their powers if Kiri-Jolith
feels they have violated the principles of good.


Fighter/Cleric (29th level in each)
Alignment: LG
Movement: 12"/29"
AC: -8
HP: 500
HD: 29
# of Attacks: 6
Damage/Attack: 3d20/3d20/2d20/2d20/1d10/1d10

Follower's Abilities:

Special Bonuses:
    +1 on all attacks if in good standing

    Astral, Combat, Guardianship, Healing (Reverse)
    I: Detect Magic
    II: Create Food & Water
    I: Detect Snares & Pits, Penetrate Disguise, Predict Weather
    II: Find Traps, Heat/Chill metal
    III: Death's Door, Magical Vestment
    IV: Cloak of Fear/Bravery
    V: Quest, Slay Living
    VI: Heroes' Feast
    VII: Finger of Death, Wither, Energy Drain, Destruction