Knights of the Crown

Knights of Solamnia

    All of those who wish to become Solamnic
Knights must first enter into the Knighthood
as squires of the Knights of the Crown. This is
true regardless of what Knighthood they will
eventually serve. All Knights begin here with
training in the virtue of loyalty.

    Candidates for the Solamnic Knighthood
must be presented to a Knightly Council and
be sponsored by a Knight in good standing
from any of the Orders of Knighthood. After
the entire group of candidates is presented,
the group swears an oath to the honor of the
Knighthood and to the causes of the Crown.
All swear allegiance to the Order and the
ideals of the Knights of Solamnia.

    If there is no dissent from the Knights, and
no question of honor regarding the candidates
is brought forth, then all are accepted into the
Knighthood as squires. Any question of honor
of an individual requires that the individual
be removed from the group of candidates and
be questioned separately after the REST of the
candidates are accepted. If the question of
honor is dismissed then the candidate is
accepted normally. If the question is found
valid in the Council, then the candidate is
dismissed until the question of honor is satisfied.

    Knights of the Crown advance in power
more quickly than the other Knights, partly
due to the fact that their order is less demanding
than the others. While this benefit is certainly
a good one, it is also true that their
special powers are quite limited.

    Knights of the Crown are sworn to protect,
serve, and give aid to any kingdom on the List
of Loyalty. This list is maintained by the three
High Knights and is updated periodically.
The Knights are not required to follow the
commands or laws of these kingdoms should
they be out of harmony with the Code or the
Measure. This rule holds true for members of
all the Knighthoods.

    The Order of the Crown takes its Measure
from matters of loyalty and obedience to
authority of the greater Knighthood through
its High Councils and commanders. Examples
of acts befitting the Measure of the Crown:
unquestioning obedience to those whose
authority is righteously maintained in the
Knightly Councils, dedication to the ideals of
the Measure, loyalty to brother Knights of all
Orders, and all other acts that cause the
strengthening of loyalty among the Knights.

Knights of the Crown
Game Data

    Knights of the Crown are variants of cavaliers
as described in Unearthed Arcana. While
their experience point advancement is identical
to that class, there are many important differences.
Read the following section carefully
to be sure you understand the differences.

Q: What happens when a Crown
Knight of, say, 8th level opts to
become a Sword Knight?

A: The Knight in question must petition a
Knightly Council and complete the
required quest, just as any other candidate.
When he completes the quest, he
receives three weapon and two nonweapon
proficiencies, just as any other
new Sword Knight. From this point on, he
is treated just as any other 3rd-level Sword
Knight, although he keeps his current hit
points, saving throws, and combat ability.
As he accumulates experience as a Sword
Knight, he does not gain additional hit
points or weapon proficiencies until he
exceeds his Crown-Knight level, but he
does begin getting spells when he reaches
6th level.

Crown Knight Minimum Scores
Strength 10
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 10
Dexterity 8
Constitution 10
Charisma None

Crown Knight Level Table
Level Experience Points Hit Dice (d10s) Title
1 2,500 2 Squire of Crown
2 5,000 3 Defender of Crown
3 10,000 4 Knight of Crown
4 18,500 5 Scepter Knight
5 37,000 6 Shield Knight
6 85,000 7 Shield of Crown
7 140,000 8 Lord of Shields
8 220,000 9 Lord of Crown
9 300,000 10 Master Warrior
10 600,000 10 + 2 Lord Warrior
11 900,000 10 + 4 High Warrior*
12 1,200,000 10 + 6 -
13 1,500,000 10 + 8 -
14 1,800,000 10 + 10 -
15 2,100,000 10 + 12 -
16 2,400,000 10 + 14 -
17 2,700,000 10 + 16 -
18 3,000,000 10 + 18 -

* There is only one High Warrior in each
Order and he is chosen according to the Measure.
All other Knights who have sufficient
XP to attain this level may do so
but retain the title of Lord Warrior until such
time as they are elected to take the position of
High Warrior.
Proficiencies Weapon/Nonweapon
Initial 3/2
Added 1/1 per 2 levels

    Special Abilities: Unlike the cavalier or
paladin, this character can USE weapon

    XP: As for all Knights of
Solamnia, experience is not awarded simply
for killing monsters and taking treasure.
These Knights are rewarded according to how
well their deeds exemplify the creed of the
Knighthood. Any Knight who performs his
duties to the ends defined by the Code and
the Measure will be rewarded with a 10%
XP bonus above any other
bonuses he normally receives.

The Knights of the Crown and Their Measure

    The Order of the Crown exemplifies the
ideals of Loyalty and Obedience in all that a
Knight is and does. Loyalty is the unquestioned
promise of a Knight to a higher power and
authority. Loyalty is a treasure valued only
when it is justly given.

    Those to whom loyalty is due includes the
following: the just before Habbakuk and all
that is good, those oppressed by evil, and
those monarchs who by decree and common
consent of the Knightly Councils are in good
standing with the Knighthood and deserving
of its honorable loyalty and protection.

    Acts befitting a Knight of the Crown
include these: unquestioned obedience to
those whose authority is righteously maintained
in the Knightly Councils, dedication to
the ideals of the Measure, loyalty to brother
Knights of all orders, and all other acts that
cause the strengthening of loyalty among the

    Responsibilities of a Knight of the Crown:
forfeiture of 10% of all wealth accrued by the
Knight, service and aid to any fellow Knight
who is about the business of his order and
requires assistance, service to the kingdoms on
the List of Loyalty as compiled by the Grand
Circle of Knights.
