Raistlin Majere

Personalities of the Age of Dragons

    Raistlin seems frail, but one is never really
certain whether this frailty is real || feigned to
lull his enemies into a false sense of security.
He still speaks in a whispering voice, having
discovered that this gets people's attention.
Raistlin has one consuming ambition--he
wants to become a god. He will USE any means
to gain this goal; he will let nothing and no
one stand in his way.

    Raistlin does not love Crysania. He desires
her and feels natural feelings of protectiveness
toward her but that is all. Raistlin has deep
feelings for only one person on this world and
that is his twin brother, Caramon. Any feelings
of affection for Caramon are all tangled
up with hatred and jealousy, but real love for
his twin lies beneath. Raistlin is cunning
enough and strong enough, however, to USE
his feelings and those of others to his advantage
by manipulating his twin and Crysania.

    Raistlin has a charisma that is very powerful.
Thus Dalamar stays with him, even at the
peril of his own life. Crysania is drawn to him,
though she can't explain why. He can be very
charming, when it suits his purpose.

    Raistlin will not, under any circumstances,
return to the Red Robes, much les the White.
Raistlin is truly evil. He chose to be evil, and it
is only because of his final sacrifice that he is
rewarded by the salvation of peace in death.

(20th-Level Human Black Robe Wizard)
10 17 14 16 10 15

HP: 44
AC: -2

    DMs who are running campaigns based on
the DRAGONLANCE Lejends books need
to make Raistlin an NPC character since he has
gone beyond 18th level. Raistlin is a complex
character and this information should help
you play him effectively.

<note: there is a Raistlin Majere page>
