
- - - - -
- - - - DLA

Q: Also, how does the timetravel
spell work?
A: The proper name for the timetravel
spell is timereaver. It is described on
page 38 of DLA.

Level: 9

Range: 1"
Duration: Permanent

Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 turns
Save: None
AREA of effect: 1" radius

The timereaver spell sends those within its 
area of effect backward or forward along the 
timestream of Krynn, into either Krynn's past 
or future.  It is the spell that was used by Par-Salian 
to send Caramon and Tasslehoff into 
the past. It is also the spell that the Scepter of 
utilized to transport Caramon and Tasslehoff 
throughout the Lejends tales.