
PLAYER: Gary Gygax

S: 11
I: 17
W: 16
D: 18
C: 15
CH: 10
LV: 13 (Wizard: 555, 442)
HP: 42
AC: 10
SL: 6
+H: -
+D: -
DB: -4
SB: +2
R/AT: +3

Reclusive, Bigby seldom adventures anymore unless it is absolutely necessary. Instead he conforms to the
traditional role of the wizard, pale and studious. Although smart and wise, Bigby is less of a leader of men and
more of a spectator. He is always willing to let others do his tasks for him. When adventuring, he prefers to travel in
the company of friends, partaking of their adventures and fun, but seldom instigating any himself. He does enjoy
the deception of posing as a withered trader; he finds that it often gives him the advantage of surprise he needs.

Bigby is quite willing to describe some of his greater exploits and is in general a talkative man. He is just slightly
moody and when certain ill-fated expeditions are mentioned, his good humor becomes forced.


Bigby has acquired in his long career a +2 dagger, a staff of power, a ring of x-ray vision, a ring of protection (+3),
and a djinni bottle. He also has potions and scrolls that he has manufactured.


ADQ: What AC do the "hands" produced by the Bigby's Hand spells have?
ADA: The AC ov the "hands" is
the same as the current AC of the mage
who CAST the spell.
(Polyhedron #16)

ADQ: Can the Bigby's Handsd be hit by
normal weapons?
ADA: No, magickal weapons are required
to hit Them.
(Polyhedron #16)

ADQ: 1 POINT in the "Bigby's Tomb
mod in P19 
has me confused. Wouldn't Bigby 
have needed an 18 INT to create 
the Bigby's Crushing Hand spell? He 
would need to USE that to USE it according 
to the rules. 
ADA: 1st, Bigby is one of Gary's characters, 
and Gary doesn't use strict AD&D 
rules in his campaign. You don't have 
to, either; the object is to have fun, not to 
be a rulebook lawyer, and if you can modify 
the system to your taste without damaging 
its integrity (quite a trick, at times), go to it. 
Furthermore, the published stats for 
Gary's characters do not match the real 
ones. Each player is entitled to privacy 
when it comes to character details, and 
Gary is no xception. So change Bigby's 
INT to 18 (or higher, possible 
through the USE ov a Tome of Clear Thought). 
(Polyhedron #22)