Dispater (Arch-deviI)

Lesser God

FREQUENCY: Very rare
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level X])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Astral Plane])

MOVE: 15"
HIT DICE: 144 hit points
% IN LAIR: 80%
TREASURE TYPE: [Q] (x 10), [S]
NO. OF ATTACKS: See below ~ 7
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Rod, magic use, psionics
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hit
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
SIZE: M (7' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: All/all
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: X | 48,040 (for destroying material form) | 480,400 (if killed permanently)

Dispater is the ruler of Hell's second plane.
His capitol is the iron city of Dis, named after the whole of the plane.
Dispater's palace there is infernally grand.
The city is filled with zombies, erinyes (q.v.), and a sprinkling of barbed devils and malebranche.

The following powers are possible at will for Dispater, one at a time per turn or melee round, as applicable:

1/round notes - 1/turn <?> notes - 1/day notes
pyrotechnics - - symbol of pain; 
produce flame - - (un)holy word
wall of fire - -
light - -
read magic - -
read languages - -
detect invisible - -
shape change - -
beguile - -
geas - -
restoration - -
raise dead fully - -
(fulfill another's) wish - -

He can summon 1-3 erinyes (75%) or (25%) a pit fiend (90% chance of success). <per turn, per round?>
His stare causes fear or chill in all persons who fail their saving throws versus magic.

Dispater should be treated as a lesser god, though he very rarely has human worshipers.

Description: Dispater is evilly handsome, and only his small horns, tail, and
cloven left hoof distinguish him from humanity. He has a rod which has the
powers of a rod of rulership and a double strength staff of striking (4-24
hit points of damage).

MP: Dispater's abode is in the heart of the city of Dis--a huge
tower of stone rising from the Iron City itself. In its hghest towers
he gathers info from his erinyes and dictates his wishes to
Titivilus, his trusted messenger.

Treasure Type Questions

Gary, I was perusing the Monster Manual recently and noticed a couple of odd entries for treasure types I was hoping you could shed some light on.

First, the entry for Dispater has the Arch-Devil listed as possessing the following treasure types: Q (x10) and S. While Dispater is the weakest of the Arch-Devils 10-40 gems and 2-8 potions seems to be a little on the light side for a treasure horde found in his lair. Was there a third treasure type that was accidentally left out of this entry?

Gray Mouser

Those entries are to devil the PCs, and be demoniacal 

Actually, I likely should have noted that the DM is assumed to supply Dispater with some nasty offensve magic items to employ against a PC party daring to attack him.
the same is true for pit fiends
The latter are also smewhat likely to be guarding the treasure of another entity.


Originally Posted by Gray Mouser
Well, his staff is already pretty potent  but if you say so...

I assume you'd beef up the monetary treasure as well, since all he is listed as having when encountered in his lair is 10-40 gem?

Ah, well, he at least needs something to zap a large area at a distance. something to absorb magic missiles that get past his MR, that sort of thing.

What's wrong with 10-40 base 10,000 gp gems?

Originally Posted by Gray Mouser
Heh, well, when you put it that way the only thing I can think of is it's not cumbersome enough for the party to carry on their way out! 
the cruel Dm might make each of the "gems" a large piece of lapis lazuli, malachite, or jade.
The weight of such "gems" would be a base 100 pounds, moving upwards is the value increased.

Of course explaining how the pit fiend carted them arouns would be a bit dodgy...   <maybe a mistake: the original reference seems to have been to Dispater>

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