

1. Avernus
2. Dis
3. Minauros
4. Phlegethos
5. Stygia
6. Malbolge
7. Maladomini
8. Caina
9. Nessus
The Outer Planes
Manual of the Planes

    The Outer Plane that best captures the imagination of travellers,
the greed of treasure-seekers, and the battle-fury of paladins is
the Nine Hells, a plane of evil organized to further its own malefic <alt: that of Hell, perhaps>
ends. It is dominated by creatures (the devils) set into a rigid
caste system, but it is home to large numbers of other evil creatures.

    Each of the nine layers of Hell are 8infinite8, extending 8forever8
in all directions. The barriers between layers are always found
at the lowest point of the upper level and at a very high
point above the surface of the next layer down. If there is a mountain
|| other high structure at the barrier region in the lower
plane, then the traveller can climb down (but beware, for such
convenient areas are very rare and always guarded). Otherwise,
the exit for the barrier is about a half-mile above the surface of the
next layer down. Unless the traveller can {fly}, he will probably suffer
20d6 of damage from the fall as well as attracting the attention <link: falling damage, WSG>
of the creatures below in a most spectacular fashion.

    Hell is the most typically infernal of the lower
planes--the unknowing often ascribe the Hells' environments to
the other Lower Planes as well. The physical laws && properties
of matter are constant within each layer, but these change as the
traveller passes from layer to layer.

    The paths into and out of Hell are many. The Styx runs
through Avernus and into Stygia; Charon and his charonadaemons
will ferry those foolish enough to travel within those
lands. The river Lethe runs through Nessus and is said to link to
certain PMPs in the same fashion as the Yggdrasil && Mount Olympus.
Whether it does or not is unknown.
Touching || drinking the black waters of Lethe has the same
effect as the Styx, but Charon and his servants never appear on its shores.

    In Avernus there are portals to the topmost layers of Acheron,
Gehenna, and to the outer rings of the plane of Concordant Opposition.
These free-standing portals are identical--
huge hoops of reddish light. Tiamat is well aware of the permanent
portals near her realms. She has them guarded by encampments of
abishai or laced with traps.

    There are a large #number# of conduits leading from Hell
to PMPs. This enables the dukes and arch-dukes
to vie for control over the forces of evil on a multitude of
alternate planes. This continual squabbling among the forces of
evil by chicanery and force of arms usu. spells the doom of evil
plans, for evil always turns upon itself. Recognition of this fact is
rare among the devilish races. For that reason, there are
a large #number# of conduits leading to the PMPs, despite the
fact that these conduits allow ingress to adventurers who seek to
SLAY the devils who built the conduit.

Features of the Nine Hells

    The most prominent inhabitants of the Nine Hells are devilkind,
but they share their plane with many other evil creatures. An
xcellent summary of those creatures, and their FREQUENCY: on the
individual layers of Hell, <> can be found in the entry under devil in MM II.

    All creatures native to the Nine Hells are unaffected by the natural
forces (ice, fire, poison, etc.) that exist on their native layer.

e.g., an ice devil from Caina is immune to all magical and
natural cold, but only while in Caina.

This advantage for natives
in their home layer tends to prevent attacks by devils from other

Arch-Devils: The arch-devils are a group of powerful devils (treat as lesser gods in their home plane)
dedicated to the defeat of good &&
their own supremacy over all the known planes of existence.
Such a unified force could pose a great problem, but each arch-devil
is convinced that he (|| she) alone is the most capable leader
of the diabolic forces. There always comes a point for every
devil when the desire to rule in Hell outweighs any advantage to
be gained from defeating the forces of good
    (devils will contest with Odin, e.g.,
    but no devil sees himself as taking over Odin's position in Gladsheim).

All arch-devils see themselves as contenders for the position of the Overlord of Hell.
While the battling in the Hells is much more subtle than the roaring wars in the halls of the Oinodaemon, there are endless struggles in the pits nonetheless.

    Briefly, then, here is a summary of the most powerful devils and their spheres of influence.

    * Asmodeus +
    * Mephistopheles +
    * Baalzebul +
    * Moloch +
    * Geryon +
    * Belial +
    * Mammon +
    * Dispater +
    * Tiamat +

    Politically, the arch-devils are split into three opposing groups.
Asmodeus commands the unswerving loyalty of Geryon and
Tiamat (layers: 1, 5, and 9). Baalzebul has Moloch as a stated vassal
and has been recruiting Belial, whose rivalry with Geryon is
unbounded (layers: 4, 6, and 7). Mephistopheles seeks to appear
as a force of reason and restraint; he has Dispater and ever-greedy
Mammon on his side (layers: 2, 3, and 8).

    While Asmodeus may seem to have the weakest faction of the
three, his control over all the devils as overlord gives him the
advantage. Both Baalzebul and Mephistopheles seek to
dethrone Asmodeus, but they cannot depend on the other members
of their faction, who will only defy Asmodeus when victory is
certain. Arch-devils will quickly TURN on erstwhile allies if they
can gain additional {realms} && responsibilities. Also, the faction
that is not revolting will atuomatically side w/ Asmodeus, hoping
to curry favor && gain spoils when the revolt is defeated.
Asmodeus skillfully plays one faction against the other, never his
supporting dukes know where they stand in his eyes. This
continual doubt, + the fact that Asmodeus controls both ends
of Hell (through Tiamat, who is underrated by her devilish
compatriots as a dumb beast), makes Asmodeus supreme in
his portions of Hell.

<perhaps, revise the Arch-Devils, to TRADE out some of their powers for powers from the politician class, in Dragon 74?>

    The organized realms of the devils are vast, but the layers of the Hells are infinite in size.
They are home to other powers besides those of devilkind.
The true relationship between LE Powers and the devils is unknown, for neither side is volunteering
any info. In those planes in which devils are unknown,
the LE powers mention devils only as useful servants.
As Takhisis in the world of Krynn, Tiamat has never let
her followers know that there are other arch-devils or that
there is a Hell at all. The esrever is true as well--worlds
that know of Asmodeus and not Druaga or Set will not find
out about Druaga or Set if Asmodeus has anything to say about it.

The Realms of Hell
Kurtulmak (1: Avernus) Set (1: Avernus) Hecate (4: Phlegethos) Inanna (4: Phlegethos) Sekolah (5. Stygia) No Cha

    An excellent example of this is Druaga, lesser Deity of the
Babylonian mythos, who is titled (perhaps self-titled) Ruler of the
Devil World. Druaga has a realm on the second layer of Hell,
far from the hills that surround Dis's flat plain. Both he and Dispater
are aware of each other and tolerate each other's presence in
their layer of Hell. Neither interferes with the working of the other.
Dispater may provide the devils that Druaga sends forth, but
the full nature of this relationship is unrevealed. <MOVE this>

Many lesser devils are given the names of Deities, such as the
devil Dagon (who is not demon prince Dagon) and the devil
Nergal (who is not the Babylonian god Nergal).
The purpose of such names is threefold:
    * to upset the other Power,
    * to catch spell casters trying to invoke these beings without proper understanding, and
    * to further muddle any discussion of who rules in the lower planes.
       (Titivilus can honestly say, "Nergal? Why Nergal lives in the Hells--outcast, hides in Avernus. Looks like a toad, poor thing.")

Dragon #243


2. DIS +




6. MALBOLGE + <(The Viceroyalty of Malbolge)>


8. CAINA +



Die Roll Frequency
2 Very rare
3 Very rare
4 Very rare or rare
5 Rare
6 Rare
7 Uncommon*
8 Uncommon*
9 Common**
10 Common**
11 Common**
12 Common**
13 Common**
14 Uncommon*
15 Uncommon*
16 Rare
17 Rare
18 Very rare or rare
19 Very rare
20 Very rare

* Alternately; choice of two very rare creatures.
** Alternately; choice of two rare creatures.

<done: 1, 2, 3, 4>




In Heaven:
The Germans schedule events.
The British greet you.
The French cook. <Francia?> <Burgundy?>
The Italians entertain.

In Hell:
The Italians schedule events.
The French greet you.
The British cook.
The Germans entertain.




each glowing square, 1 in 6 chance that it bursts into a fireball for 2-7 d6s of damage (1 in 12 chance if no fire sources: torch, candle, lantern, etc. are readied)

a barrier to Dis xists only 30 feet above the roofs of Mammon's palace
there is a 13% chance that a traveller contracts a disease, first checked when entering Minauros

Among the peaks of these isles lightning dances from the jet-black sky and balls of cold fire (inflicting 2d6 points of damage) dance about the barrier regions to the Upper Hells
(transfer points are surrounded by 2d6 squares)