Copper Dragon (Draco Comes Stabuli)

FREQUENCY : Uncommon-rare

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level IV]) (VY, Y: Very young, Young)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level V]) (SA, YA: Sub Adult, Young Adult)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VI]) (A: Adult)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII]) (O: Old)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VIII]) (VO: Very Old)
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level IX]) (AN: Ancient)
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level X]) (AN, VO: Ancient, Very Old)

FREQUENCY : Uncommon ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY : Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Hills])
FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Desert])
FREQUENCY:  Very rare ([Tropical Freshwater Surface])
FREQUENCY:  Very rare ([Tropical Saltwater Surface])

MOVE : 9"/24"
HIT DICE : 7-9
% IN LAIR : 35%
NO. OF ATTACKS : 3 ~ 13 (HD 7 or 8) | 12 (HD 9)
DAMAGE/ATTACK : 1-4/1-4/5-20
SPECIAL ATTACKS : Breath weapon + possible magic use
ALIGNMENT : Chaotic good
SIZE : L (36' long)

    Speaking : 45%
    Magic-Use : 40%
    Sleeping : 40%

Copper dragons prefer to inhabit arid rocky regions, liking warmer climes in which to locate their cavern || cave lairs.
They tend to be rather selfish, and thus many copper dragons are somewhat neutral in their outlook if gain is concerned.

The normal attack of this kind of dragon is either a claw/claw/bite or the use of one or the other of its breath weapons -- a discharge of acid exactly similar to that of a black dragon (7" x 1/2") or a cloud of gas 3" long by 2" wide by 2" deep which will slow any creatures therein unless they make their saving throw vs. dragon breath. The slowing effect causes creatures to move/attack at one-half normal, and it lasts for 6 melee rounds.

Those copper dragons able to use magick gain a 1st level spell for each of their first 3 age brackets, a 2nd level spell in addition at each bracket of the next 3 ages, and at the last 2 an additional 3rd level at each. This, a magic-using ancient copper dragon would know 3 1st level spells, 3 2nd level spells, and 2 3rd level spells.

DLA: Copper dragons make their homes in rocky,
mountainous regions. Although basically
good in nature, they are extremely fond of
wealth and almost always ask "what's in it for
me?" when invited to aid others. Thirty-six
feet in length, copper dragons attack with
teeth && claws || their 2wo breath weapons:
acid && a slow gas. They speak a variety of

XP Totals by Ardanow Silverbow

COPPER DRAGON (no additional special abilities)
Dragon, copper (small, very young) 606 (781 w/spells)
Dragon, copper (small, young) 662 (837 w/spells)
Dragon, copper (small, sub-adult) 768 (943 w/spells)
dragon, copper (small, young adult) 824 (999 w/spells)
dragon, copper (small, adult) 1030 (1205 w/spells)
dragon, copper (small, old) 1086 (1261 w/spells)
dragon, copper (small, very old) 1142 (1317 w/spells)
dragon, copper (small, ancient) 1198 (1373 w/spells)
dragon, copper (average, very young) 880 (1155 w/spells)
dragon, copper (average, young) 960 (1235 w/spells)
dragon, copper (average, sub-adult) 1140 (1415 w/spells)
dragon, copper (average, yng adult) 1220 (1495 w/spells)
dragon, copper (average, adult) 1650 (1925 w/spells)
dragon, copper (average, old) 1730 (2005 w/spells)
dragon, copper (average, very old) 1810 (2085 w/spells)
dragon, copper (average, ancient) 1890 (2165 w/spells)
dragon, copper (huge, very young) 1308 (1708 w/spells)
dragon, copper (huge, young) 1416 (1816 w/spells)
dragon, copper (huge, sub-adult) 1624 (2024 w/spells)
dragon, copper (huge, young adult) 1732 (2132 w/spells)
dragon, copper (huge, adult) 2440 (2840 w/spells)
dragon, copper (huge, old) 2548 (2948 w/spells)
dragon, copper (huge, very old) 2656 (3056 w/spells)
dragon, copper (huge, ancient) 2764 (3164 w/spells)


Notes, by Prespos
7HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)
8HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)
9HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)