FUNGI, Violet

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level III])

NO. APPEARING (d100): (01-75 = 1-4 violet fungi) or (76-00 = 1-4 violet fungi + 2-8 shriekers) <>
    roll d4 for the NO. of violet fungi APPEARING
     then, for each fungi, roll d4 to see how many branches it has.
MOVE: 1"
HIT DICE: 3 ...  (3-6 hp = 4') | (7-12 hp = 5') | (13-16 hp = 6') | (17-24 hp = 7')
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: d4 branches ~ 16
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Rotting poison <requires hit: move up to damage/attack?>
SIZE: S to M ....  (3-6 hp = 4' = S) | (7-12 hp = 5' = M) | (13-16 hp = 6' = M) | (17-24 hp = 7' = M)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III | 135 + 4

Fungus Identification: Violet fungus growths resemble shriekers, and are usually (75%) encountered with them.

The latter are immune to the touch of violet fungi,
    and the two types of creatures complement each other's existence.
Violet fungi favors rotted animal matter to grow upon.

Each fungus has 1 to 4 branches which it will flail out with if any animal comes within their 1' to 4' range.

Rotting Poison: The excretion from these branches rots flesh in but <1> melee round,
    unless a save vs. Poison is made, or, a cure disease is used.
    <?: ie. on the same initiative count of the next round, the rot effects begin ...>

Size: The branch length of this growth depends upon size.
Violet fungi range from 4' to 7' tall,
    the smallest having 1' branches,
    the 5' sort having 2' branches, etc.
Any sized growth can have 1 to 4 branches

Loss of a limb indicates a loss of 10% of HP. (T3.104).

d4 3-6 hp = 4' = S 7-12 hp = 5' = M 13-16 hp = 6' = M 17-24 hp = 7' = M
1 branch 1' 2' 3' 4'
2 branches 1' 2' 3' 4'
3 branches 1' 2' 3' 4'
4 branches 1' 2' 3' 4'
<5' squares (UA): statistically, none of this makes any difference, unless someone casts enlarge ....>

<nice art, but maybe use the same image for violet fungi & shriekers? (note "resemble") fungus identification ...>
<or, have a link Furgus Identification, to a mirror page, with the image of the violet fungi>
<that's the general idea: maybe the colours could be redone in the ultraviolet of the bell curve ...>
<overall, increase font size by 2 points?>
<reword 'branches' to 'tendrils'?>
<link: demogorgon? mummy?>

Originally Posted by dorentir
Hello Gary;
Hope you are well. I was reading another message board (dragonsfoot) where someone posted a question about Violet Fungi in the original (and my favorite) monster manual. The description says that the violet fungi rots flesh in one round but no one seems to be in agreement as to what form this "rotting" takes. In my own game I house ruled it so that characters would begin losing constitution (like the mummy's touch makes you lose charisma) but in all my years of play I don't remember anyone actually getting close enough to the fungi to get rotted. Other people seem to interpret it as a sort of poison --- save or recieve the appropriate cure spell in one round or turn into a pile of mulch on the floor.
Can you shed any light?
regards and respect

Hi Stefan,

As a matter of fact, as far as I can recall, no PC ever got zapped by a violet fungi in my campaign either. Anyway, as nearly as I recall the procedure I envisioned in regards its touch:

1. Subject victim makes a roll to save vs. poison:
2. Success means contact avoided and no damage occurs.
3. Failure means contact with the fungi and subject rots away at the end of the round.
4. A cure disease or neutralize poison spell cast immediately--within 6 segemnts of contact, will stop the effect.

Your ruling regarding loss of points of Constitution is an interesting interpretation, but some damage would have to be included with each point of Con loss, or no flesh would be rotting 


Originally Posted by dorentir
Yowsers! So the violet fungi as originally imagined is a lot deadlier than I had thought! Imagining it that way makes me think of a Ray Harryhausen animation, with the hapless adventurer turning to mulch in front of his comrades eyes! If ever I do have an encounter with violet fungi, I'm going to have to rig up some sort of miniature of a pile of mulch with a few bones as well as a bit or armor or weapon sticking out --- and when a player get's zapped, I can replace his mini with the little mulch pile!

Thanks for the quick reply.

Good visual.

The positive side of violet fungi is that it eats only flesh--including leather--but leaves vegetable and mineral matter untouched. Of course a small amount of the stuff might remain in the pile of "leftovers"...


Originally Posted by Mycanid
Err ... the positive side? Thieves, wizards, etc. in big trouble....

The only time I ever remember encountering a violet fungi was in A4 ... and everyone was dressed in loin cloths only. Needless to say, we just walked away from the encounter and went elsewhere. 

If PCs of any sort can do as your group did, then there is no problem whatsoever with violet fungi--unless it is growing atop a heap of magic items and huge gemstones...and greed is actile 


Originally Posted by Nikosandros
So, would it destroy leather armor upon touching it? Would it then spread to the unfortunate wearer?

Excellent question!

That situation is not covered. As the DM I would allow a second roll to save against poison, and it it was successful I would rule that the violet fungi dropped off after devouring the leather armor, so the wearer was safe but armorless. It it were magical armor, I'd give a plus to the saving throw for each plus of the armor.

Who says that I am a killer DM? 
