
FREQUENCY: Uncommon (only sylvan woodlands)
FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Temperate Wilderness Hills]) <x: not woodlands>
MOVE: 18"
% IN LAIR: 40%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 ~ 15
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Magical weapons, magic pipes
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Surprised on a 1 only, 90% undetectable
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V | 825 + 10 (+300 if piper)
DEITY: Skerrit

Satyrs (or fauns) inhabit only sylvan woodlands.
They are interested primarily only in sport -- frolicking, piping, chasing wood nymphs, etc.
They resent intrusion, however, and will drive away any creature which offends them.
They can sometimes be lured/bribed with superior wine.

A satyr normally attacks by butting with its two sharp horns.

They will occasionally (20%) make use of magical weapons.

Magic pipes: It is quite likely that a satyr will first play a tune on his pipes, an instrument only a satyr can
properly employ. By means of these pipes the satyr can charm, sleep, or
cause fear in all within a 6" hearing radius unless they save versus magic.

Only 1 satyr per band is likely to have pipes.

If comely females are in the group the piping will be to charm,
if the intruder is relatively inoffensive the piping will be to sleep (and choice items will be stolen from the sleeper),
but if the party is powerful the piping will be to cause fear.
Any creature which saves versus any form of piping is not affected by additional music from the same pipes.

Satyrs are very silent and have keen senses.

Surprised only a 1: They are surprised only on a 1,
and they can blend with foliage so as to be 90% undetectable to creatures not able to see hidden or invisible things.

These creatures have their own tongue and are also able to speak elvish
(understandable only to sylvan elves) and the common speech.

Satyrs dwelling near centaurs are 80% likely to be friendly with the latter,
cooperating with them and speaking their language.

Description: The skin of the upper body of a satyr is tan to light brown,
its hair elsewhere being medium brown, reddish brown, or dark brown.
Horns and hooves are black.


The satyr is the sacred animal of Pan.

Handy Haversack wrote:
Hi Gary,

If this is not too specific, I was wondering about some reasons for a couple of AD&D choices, viz., why are only evil nonhuman races listed a having shamans and witch doctors? Specifically, I am thinking about centaurs. It seems like they would be a good candidate for shamans. Was there a specific reason you limited this to evil humanoids?

And if YOU were to bend the rules (hush yo' mouth!) and let, oh, say, centaurs have shamans, what level might you cut them off at?

Again, if this is too specific, just ignore. Thanks.



As far as any of my reading in mythology went, i never got the slightest hint that centaurs and their ilk had and religous inclination whatsoever.
In the AD&D system, if I was to consider they did, I would be more inclined to allow them druidical indiduals, the same with satyrs and silini.

As to levels of any clerical types, I would suppose something around 7th would be tops.



<what is the difference between a satyr and a faun?>