SQUID, Giant

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FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Saltwater Surface], [Cold Saltwater Depths]) <(Stygia, The Fifth Hell: MP.111)>

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Saltwater Surface], [Temperate Saltwater Depths])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Saltwater Surface], [Tropical Saltwater Depths])


MOVE: 3"//18"
% IN LAIR: 40%
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 (X 8)/5-20
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Constriction (2-12)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Tentacle hits, ink
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 2000+ 16

SAVES: (7)

Giant squid inhabit deep waters, preferring depths of one-half mile or
more. They are aggressive hunters, and they will occasionally surface to
attack large prey -- 10% chance to attack a ship passing over a giant
squid. They fear only the hugest of sperm whales, for the latter hunt giant
squids and kill them with ease.

A giant squid's body is protected by a hard shell, so its armor class is 3, but
its tentacles and head are but AC 7.
The creature can jet back-wards at great SPEED if it feels threatened.

When a giant squid attacks it will anchor itself -- or stabilize itself -- with
two of its arms and attack with the other 8.

Constriction: Each tentacle does 1-6 hit points
on the first melee round it hits, and thereafter it constricts the opponent for
2-12 points of damage per melee round. To prevent this the victim must
sever the tentacle; there is no way to loosen its grasp short of severing the
member or killing the squid.

A creature grabbed by a giant squid is 25% likely to have both upper
members pinned, 50% likely to have one pinned, and 25% likely to have
both free. If both upper membersare pinned, the victim is totally unable to
attack with them, if one is held the victim will attack at -3, and if both
upper members are free the squid's opponent attacks at only -1 on "to hit"
dice rolls. Only one tentacle will strike creatures of man-size at any one
time. A squid's tentacle takes 10 hit points before being severed, and this is
in addition to the 12 dice of damage a giant squid can take.

The great beak of a giant squid bites for 5-20
hit points of damage.

Ink: If 4 or more of a giant squid's arms are severed (or otherwise lost) the
monster is 80% likely to squirt out a cloud of black ink 6" high by 8" long,
and jet backwards to escape. The squid will always go to its lair in this
case. The ink cloud completely obscures the vision of all within it.

The giant squid always seeks to drag its prey under water. A ship seized by
a giant squid will not likely be dragged under, unless the vessel is small,
but it will stop dead in the water in 1 turn due to the drag. If a ship is
grabbed and held by 8 or more tentacles, it will take damage as if
rammed, and ships with water in their holds are easily dragged down to
squids' lairs.