Animal Friendship

L^: d1
R#: 1"
D^: P
C^: v.s.m
CT: 6 turns
S^: Neg.
A^: One animal

Effect: By means of this spell the druid is able to show
any animal which is of at least animal intelligence (but not above
semi-intelligent rating) that the druid is disposed to be its friend.

If the animal does not make its saving throw versus magic immediately when
the spell is begun, it will stand quietly while the druid finishes the spell.
Thereafter, it will follow the druid about, and he or she can teach it 3
specific "tricks" or tasks for each point of intelligence it possesses. (Typical
tasks are those taught a dog or similar pet, i.e. they cannot be complex.)
Training for each such "trick" must be done over a period of 1 week, and
all must be done within 3 months of acquiring the creature. During the
training period the animal will not harm the druid, but if the creature is left
alone for more than 3 days it will revert to its natural state and act
accordingly. The druid may use this spell to attract up to 2 hit dice of
animal(s) per level of experience he or she possesses. This also means
that the druid can never have more hit dice of animals so attracted and
trained than are equal to or less than twice his or her levels of experience.
Only neutral animals can be attracted, befriended, and trained.

DMG: This spell will only function if the druid actually wishes to be the animals’ friend.
If the druid has ulterior motives, the animals will always sense it.

MC: Mistletoe && a piece of food attractive to the animal subject.

WHEN: Talk, Combat

Basically, animal friendship allows you to +ADD+ one animal to the party.
(Limit: 1 animal per caster per party).

