Notes Regarding Druid (CLERIC) Spells: <c>
* $10 = 1 gp
** Mistletoe = (greater mistletoe || lesser mistletoe
|| borrowed mistletoe || holly || oak leaves)
The religious
symbol of druids is mistletoe.
Of lesser importance is
Some magical power resides
in oak leaves.
All of the druidic spells
with a material component assume the use of mistletoe, as gathered by the
druid character in the manner described hereafter.
Lesser mistletoe, as well
as holly and oak leaves, will reduce spell effectiveness as follows:
Lesser mistletoe | 100% | 75% * | 100% |
Borrowed mistletoe | 75% * | 50% ** | 100% |
Holly | 75% * | 50% ** | 75% * |
Oak leaves | 50% ** | 50% ** | 50% ** |
* or +1 on saving
throw, if any, if category is not applicable.
** or +1 on saving throw,
if any, if category is not applicable.
Greater mistletoe,
that is, mistletoe which is properly harvested by the
druid, must be gathered
by the druid as follows.
On Midsummer's Eve, the
druid must locate his mistletoe,
cut it with a gold || silver
sickle and catch
it in a bowl before it touches
the ground.
Lesser mistletoe is
that which is not harvested on the eve of midsummer, or
that which the druid takes
in a way which is not prescribed (such as picking
by hand).
Borrowed mistletoe is any mistletoe which is not personally harvested by the druid.
Holly and oak leaves
must be gathered by the druid, but these may be picked or gathered in any
Q. How long will a
druid's mistletoe
function before a new batch
will be
A. The rules give
no guidance whatsoever
on how long a druid's mistletoe
lasts when used for casting
However, it is a spell component,
the effects of wizard spells
their components is quite
clear: the
components are destroyed
to provide
the necessary power for
the spell.
Even spells without apparent
components use the air that
breathes out as their
material component. <?>
it is reasonable to
assume that a druid's mistletoe,
which is a spell component,
is used
up (to provide power for
the spell)
during the process of casting
a spell. <no, the druid's mistletoe is effectively his holy symbol>
The idea that a druid's
mistletoe is
used up during spell-casting
is also
implied by the table in
the Notes
regarding Druid (Priest)
spells (PHB,
p54). If the mistletoe was
a permanent
possession of the druid
it had been harvested),
there would
be no need to worrry about
reduced effects of using
poor quality
and ersatz mistletoe in
spell casting.
We suggest that each druidic
requires only 2 leaves.
should obviously spend a
lot of their time looking
out for
mistletoe when on adventures
cannot afford to miss a
single bit of
it), and cultivating it
when 'at home'.
Come Midsummer Eve, the
valleys and forests should
be alive
with the sound of
druids painstakingly
harvesting mistletoe in
approved fashion...
(Imagine #28)
<usu. the 'notes regarding is at the bottom, druid is an exception>
Number | 1st Level | Material Components** | Cost* | Number |
1 | Animal Friendship | Mistletoe && a piece of food attractive to the animal subject | - food: varies |
1 |
2 | Ceremony | The components of a ceremony spell always include mistletoe,
the rite (of any sort) must be performed in a druid grove or some other natural, healthy patch of forest. Such ceremonies are normally conducted at either dawn or dusk, the times when night and day are in balance. |
- | 2 |
3 | Detect Balance | Mistletoe | - | 3 |
4 | Detect Magick | Mistletoe | - | 4 |
5 | Detect Poison | Mistletoe + yew leaf | leaf = x | 5 |
6 | Detect Snares & Pits | Mistletoe | - | 6 |
7 | Entangle | Mistletoe | - | 7 |
8 | Faerie Fire | [alt] Alicorn | - | 8 |
9 | Invisibility To Animals | Holly | - | 9 |
10 | Locate Animals | Mistletoe | - | 10 |
11 | Pass Without Trace | A leaf of mistletoe
(which must be burned thereafter and the ashes powdered and scattered) and a sprig of pine or evergreen |
leaf: free sprig: free |
11 |
12 | Precipitation | Mistletoe | - | 12 |
13 | Predict Weather | Mistletoe + a pinch of silver dust | dust: $1 | 13 |
14 | Purify Water | - | - | 14 |
15 | Shillelagh | Mistletoe + An oaken club + A shamrock leaf | club: free leaf: free |
15 |
16 | Speak With Animals | - | - | 16 |
Number | 2nd Level | Material Components | Cost* | Number |
1 | Barkskin | Mistletoe + a handful of bark from an oak | bark: free | 1 |
2 | Charm Person or Mammal | - | - | 2 |
3 | Create Water | - | - | 3 |
4 | Cure Light Wounds | Mistletoe | - | 4 |
5 | Feign Death | Mistletoe + A piece of dead oak leaf | leaf: free | 5 |
6 | Fire Trap | Holly berries + A stick of charcoal | charcoal: 1 penny per ounce | 6 |
7 | Flame Blade | Mistletoe + A leaf of sumac | leaf: free | 7 |
8 | Goodberry | Mistletoe passed over the freshly picked,
edible berries to be enspelled (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants (e.g. black currants), gooseberries, strawberries, etc.). <added black currants> <technically, blackberries are fruit, not berries. this should perhaps be ignored, as the same goes for raspberries.> |
berries: free | 8 |
9 | Heat Metal | Mistletoe | - | 9 |
10 | Locate Plants | Mistletoe | - | 10 |
11 | Obscurement | - | - | 11 |
12 | Produce Flame | Mistletoe | - | 12 |
13 | Reflecting Pool | The druid must use both mistletoe
the oil extracted from such nuts as the hickory and the walnut, refined, and dropped in three measures upon the surface of the pool. (A measure need be no more than a single ounce of oil.) |
$50 per flask | 13 |
14 | Slow Poison | Mistletoe + crushed
garlic Antidotes must be obtained from green vegetables outdoors, or from an herbalist or similar source of supply. |
garlic: 5 cents
antidote: varies or free |
14 |
15 | Trip | Mistletoe | - | 15 |
16 | Warp Wood | Mistletoe | - | 16 |
Number | 3rd Level | Material Components** | Cost* | Number |
1 | Call Lightning | Mistletoe | - | 1 |
2 | Cloudburst | Mistletoe + powdered silver + powdered iodine crystals | silver: $1 per pinch iodine: x |
2 |
3 | Cure Disease | Mistletoe | - | 3 |
- | Greenwood | Mistletoe | - | 4 |
4 | Hold Animal | Mistletoe | - | 5 |
5 | Know Alignment | - | - | 6 |
6 | Neutralize Poison | - | - | 7 |
7 | Plant Growth | Mistletoe | - | 8 |
8 | Protection From Fire | Mistletoe | - | 9 |
9 | Pyrotechnics | Mistletoe | - | 10 |
10 | Snare | Mistletoe + snake
skin + a piece of sinew from a strong animal to weave into the cord-like object from which he or she will make the snare. |
- | 11 |
11 | Spike Growth | Mistletoe
7 sharp thorns |or| 7 sharp twigs, each sharpened to a point. |
thorns: $1 per pound
twigs: free |
12 |
12 | Starshine | Several stalks from <a FFNL (Full-Frontal Naked Lady) : just the general idea, work on the punctuation later : just a translation, into archetypes .... > an amaryllis (especially Hypoxis) <&&> several holly berries. |
amaryllis: holly: |
13 |
13 | Stone Shape | Mistletoe + Soft clay | clay: $10 per pound | 14 |
14 | Summon Insects | Mistletoe + A flower petal + A bit of mud or wet clay | flower: free mud: free clay: $10 per pound |
15 |
15 | Tree | Mistletoe + A twig | twig: free | 16 |
16 | Water Breathing | Mistletoe | - | 17 |
Number | 4th Level | Material Components** | Cost* | Number |
1 | Animal Summoning I | Mistletoe | - | 1 |
- | Briartangle | Mistletoe + Living plants of any type (which are transformed into the briartangle) + a thorn from any plant + A bud || petal || leaf from a briar (wild rose). |
plants: free thorn: free || bud: free || petal: free || leaf: free |
2 |
2 | Call Woodland Beings | A pinecone + holly berries | pinecone: free holly: free |
3 |
3 | Control Temperature, 10' Radius | Mistletoe | - | 4 |
4 | Cure Serious Wounds | Mistletoe | - | 5 |
5 | Dispel Magick | Mistletoe | - | 6 |
6 | Hallucinatory Forest | Mistletoe | - | 7 |
7 | Hold Plant | Mistletoe | - | 8 |
8 | Plant Door | Mistletoe | - | 9 |
9 | Produce Fire | Mistletoe | - | 10 |
10 | Protection From Lightning | Mistletoe | - | 11 |
11 | Repel Insects | Mistletoe + one of the following: several crushed marigold flowers, a whole crushed leek, 7 crushed stinging nettle leaves or a small lump of resin from a camphor tree | 12 | |
- | Smoke Ghost | Mistletoe + a pinch of dust | dust: free | 13 |
12 | Speak With Plants | Mistletoe + a drop of water + a pinch of shit + a flame | water: free shit: free flame: free |
14 |
- | Thorn Spray | Mistletoe | - | 15 |
Number | 5th Level | Material Components** | Cost* | Number |
1 | Animal Growth | Mistletoe | - | 1 |
2 | Animal Summoning II | Mistletoe | - | 2 |
3 | Anti-Plant Shell 10' Radius | Mistletoe | - | 3 |
4 | Commune With Nature | Mistletoe | - | 4 |
- | Control Vapor | Mistletoe | - | 5 |
5 | Control Winds | Mistletoe | - | 6 |
6 | Insect Plague | Mistletoe | - | 7 |
7 | Moonbeam | Several seeds of any moonseed plant
and a piece of opalescent feldspar (moonstone) |
8 | |
8 | Pass Plant | Mistletoe | - | 9 |
9 | Spike Stones | 4 tiny stalactites | $200 ($50 each) | 10 |
10 | Sticks To Snakes | A small piece of bark && several snake scales | bark: free scales: $60 to $120 each |
11 |
11 | Transmute Rock to Mud | Mistletoe | - | 12 |
12 | Wall of Fire | Mistletoe | - | 13 |
Number | 6th Level | Material Components** | Cost* | Number |
1 | Animal Summoning III | Mistletoe | - | 1 |
2 | Anti-Animal Shell | Mistletoe | - | 2 |
3 | Conjure Fire Elemental | Mistletoe | - | 3 |
4 | Cure Critical Wounds | Mistletoe | - | 4 |
5 | Feeblemind | - | - | 5 |
6 | Fire Seeds | Acorns || holly berries | || acorns: free || holly: free |
6 |
7 | Liveoak | Mistletoe | - | 7 |
8 | Transmute Water to Dust | Mistletoe + diamond dust of at least 500 gp value + A bit of seashell | diamond: $5000 seashell: $1 each |
8 |
9 | Transport Via Plants | - | - | 9 |
10 | Turn Wood | - | - | 10 |
11 | Wall of Thorns | Mistletoe | - | 11 |
12 | Weather Summoning | Mistletoe | - | 12 |
Number | 7th Level | Material Components** | Cost* | Number |
1 | Animate Rock | Mistletoe | - | 1 |
2 | Changestaff | Staff + hiring a druid (optional) + hiring a ranger (optional) + hiring a woodcarver | druid: $1500 per day ranger: $1500 per day woodcarver: $2500 |
2 |
3 | Chariot of Sustarre | Mistletoe + a small piece of wood + 2 holly berries + a fire source at least equal to a torch | wood: free holly: free fire: free |
3 |
4 | Confusion | Mistletoe | - | 4 |
5 | Conjure Earth Elemental | Mistletoe | - | 5 |
6 | Control Weather | (Greater) Mistletoe | - | 6 |
7 | Creeping Doom | Mistletoe | - | 7 |
8 | Finger of Death | Mistletoe | - | 8 |
9 | Fire Storm | Mistletoe | - | 9 |
10 | Reincarnate | Mistletoe | - | 10 |
11 | Sunray | An aster seed and a piece of aventurine feldspar (sunstone) | seed: x feldspar: x |
11 |
12 | Transmute Metal to Wood | Mistletoe | - | 12 |