Bigby's Clenched Fist

L^: mu8
R#: (1/2")*
D^: 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 8
S^: None (20: item save)
A^: S

Effect: Bigby's Clenched Fist spell brings forth a huge, disembodied hand which is balled into a fist.

The Fist is destroyed by damage equal to the HP of its caster being inflicted upon it.
This magical member is under the mental control of the spell caster, and he or she can cause it to strike an opponent each round.
No other spell casting or magical activity may be undertaken for the duration of the spell.
The Clenched Fist never misses, but the effectiveness of its blow varies from round to round.
Die Roll Result
1-12 glancing blow -- 1 to 6 hit points
13-16 solid punch -- 1 to 12 hit points
17-19 hard punch -- 3 to 18 hit points and 
opponent is stunned next round
20 crushing blow -- 4 to 24 hit points and opponent is stunned for next 3 rounds

Stunned: Any stunned opponent allows the magic-user to add +4 to his or her
die roll to determine how well the fist strikes, as tke opponent is not
capable of dodging or defending against the attack effectively.

Spells: (This spell can be used with any of the other Hand spells of the Archmage Bigby.)

MC: The material component of this spell is a leather glove and
a small device consisting of four rings joined so as to form o slightly curved line,
    with an "I" upon which the bottoms of the rings rest,
    the whole fashioned of an alloyed metal of copper and zinc.