Bigby's Interposing Hand

L^: mu5
R#: (1")*
D^: 1*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 5
S^: None
A^: S

Effect: Bigby's Interposing Hand is a large to huge-sized magic member which appears
and places itself between the spell caster and his or her chosen opponent.

This disembodied hand then remains between the two,
regardless of what the spell caster does subsequently or how the opponent tries to get around it.
The size of the Hand is determined by the M-U, and it can be human-sized all the way up to titan-sized.
It takes as many hit points of damage ro destroy as the magic-user who cast it.
Any creature weighing less than 2,000 pounds trying to push past it will be slowed to one-half normal movement.

MC: A glove.