Cell Adjustment

R^: 0 SPC^: S D^: P S^: None A^: Creature touched

Efffect: By means of psionic attunement to the cells of an injured creature,
the possessor of this ability is able to heal wounds at a strength point cost of 1 per hit point of wounds healed,
or cure diseases at a strength point cost of 20 for a mild, early stage disease
(and up to 70 for on advanced stage of plague or leprosy).
The maximum healing/curing ability depends upon the class of the psionic and his or her level of:

           Cleric -- 5 points / level
            Fighter -- 4 points / level
            Magic-User -- 3 points / level
            Thief -- 2 points / level

Q: Could someone possessing the cell adjustment discipline become aware of his own or someone else's hit-point total by using this power?

A: The answer to the first question depends in large part on how
your campaign is run with respect to players' (and characters')
knowledge of hit-point totals. If the DM is the only person with
this information, then it is not necessary to reveal any hit-point
information to a character employing (or being helped by) the
cell adjustment discipline. If, as a matter of procedure, players
are made aware of their characters' (and perhaps others') current
hit-point totals, then the DM is obliged to give out specific hit-point
information in the course of moderating the use of this
    Even when hit-point totals aren't common knowledge, the
psionics-user knows how many hit points he can restore with a
single application of the discipline, and he knows that each hit
point of damage healed costs 1 psionic strength point. He
doesn't know -- or need to know -- how many hit points of
damage the recipient of the healing is suffering from; if and
when the recipient is restored to his full original hit-point total,
no more benefit can be gained from cell adjustment -- but if
none of the characters has a way of being sure when full restoration
of hit points is complete, the user of the discipline may very
likely spend strength points that go to waste because no additional
healing is possible. (A cure wounds spell would operate
on the same principle, with a chance of theoretically healing
more damage than it is possible to heal.)

Q: How long does it take to use this discipline, in terms of 'casting time'?

A: How long does it take to use? In 'actuality', the healing or
curing from an application of cell adjustment takes place instantaneously.
But, to prevent the abuse of the power by continuous
and repeated use, it could be ruled that only one application of
the discipline can be made in a round. To further tone down the
'wham, you're cured!' aspect of this discipline, you might try a
variation that limits a cleric to healing 5 points of damage in a
round, a fighter 4 points, etc., regardless of the level of mastery
involved. Alternately, the 'level of mastery' provision can be
kept, but the DM might rule that the discipline is only usable
once per day on a certain recipient, or once per day, period. The
fair and consistent use of this discipline is a matter for individual
DMs to arbitrate as they see fit.

ADQ: How long does a character with psionics 
have to wait to be able to use the minor devotion 
"cell adjustment" again after doing the 
maximum possible healing according to class 
and level? 
ADA: No further healing can be done until the 
psionic character is fully rested (i.e. all psionic 
strength points recovered). 
(Polyhedron #19)

