Feign Death
[default: cleric, d: druid, mu: magic-user]
(d: 4r + 2r*) (mu: 6r + 1r*) (wj: 6r + 1r*) |
(mu: v.s) (wj: v.s) |
(mu: creature touched) (wj: creature touched) |
Effect: By means of this spell,the caster or any other creature whose levels of experience/hit dice do not exceed the magic-user's own level can be put into a cataleptic state which is impossible to distinguish from actual death. <note the use of the word of the term person above>
Although the person/creature
affected by the feign death spell can smell, hear, and know what is going
no feeling or sight of any
sort is possible;
thus, any wounding or mistreatment
of the body will not be felt and no reaction will occur and
damage will be only one-half
In addition, paralysis,
poison, or energy level drain will not affect the individual creature under
the influence of this spell,
but poison injected or otherwise
introduced into the body will become effective when
the spell recipient is no
longer under the influence of this spell,
although a saving throw
is permitted.
Note that only a willing
individual can be affected by feign death.
The spell caster is able
to end the spell effects at any time desired,
but it requires 1 full round
for bodily functions to begin again.
Effect.Cleric: Note that a character of any level may be affected by the cleric casting this spell,
DMG: The recipient
of this dweomer consumes air at 1/100th of the normal rate.
Any poison within the system
of the spell recipient is effectively slowed so as to cause no harm whatsoever
for the duration of
the spell.
MC.Cleric: and that the material components are a pinch of graveyard dirt and the cleric‘s holy/unholy symbol.
MC.Druid: A piece
of dead oak leaf (in addition to mistletoe, of course).
Jen: Using this spell, the caster or any other creature whose levels
of experience or HD do not exceed the wu jen's level may be placed in a
state resembling
While in this state the
affected creature may perceive its surroundings, and may return to a normal
state in a single round.
While in this deathlike
state sight or feeling are not possible, so any damage is one-half normal
and paralysis, poison, and level drain are not effective during the spell.
WSG: For a character
or creature subjected to this spell,
the effects of exposure
(frostbite, heatstroke, etc.) accumulate
only half as quickly as
under normal circumstances. Thus, if a
character knows that help
is on the way and will arrive fairly soon,
he may help to save his
life or the life of another being by using
feign death to partially
protect the victim.