Fire Charm

L^: mu4
R#: 1"
D^: 2r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 4
S^: Neg.
A^: 30' diameter of fire
psionic encounter: 25%
UW : No

Effect: By means of this spell the magic-user causes a normal fire source such as a brazier,  flambeau, or bonfire
to serve as a magical agent,
for from this source he or she causes a gossamer veil of multi-hued flame to circle the fire at 5’ distance.

Any creatures observing the fire or the dancing circle of flame around it
must save versus magic or be charmed into remaining motionless and gazing, transfixed at the flames.
While so charmed, creatures are subiect to suggestion spells of 12 or fewer words, saving against their influence at -3.
The fire charm is broken by any physical attack upon the charmed creature,
if a solid object is interposed between the creature and the veil of flames so as to obstruct vision,
or when the duration of the spell is at an end.
Note that the veil of flame is not a magical fire,
and passing through it
incurs the same type and amount of damage as would be sustained from passing through its original fire source.

MC: A small piece of multicolored silk of exceptional thinness
which the dweomercraefter must throw into the fire source.