Ice Storm

L^: mu4 (alt)
R#: (1")*
D^: 1r
C^: v.s.m
CT: 4
S^: None (item)
A^: S
UW : Hail = Yes
Sleet = No

Effect: When this spell is CAST,

the MU causes either great hail stones to pound down in an AREA of 4” diameter
    and inflict from 3 to 30 (3d10) HP of damage on any creatures within the AREA of effect;
Effect.UW: The icy hail formed by this spell will be very large but weak in downward force,
    inflicting only 1-10 HP of damage before floating to the surface.


the ice storm can be made to cause driving sleet to fall in an area of 8” diameter
    and both blind creatures within its AREA of effect for the duration of the spell
    and cause the ground in the area to be icy,
    thus slowing movement within by 50% and making it 50% probable that a moving creature will slip and fall when trying to move.
    Effect.UW: Sleet will melt instantly and have no effect.

MC: A pinch of dust && a few drops of water.

Spell.heat metal: (Note that this spell will negate a heat metal spell (q.v.),
but its first application will also cause damage in the process.)

Q: Will a stoneskin spell protect a
creature from the hailstones produced
by an ice storm spell?

A: An ice storm will affect a creature protected
by a stoneskin spell. Although the
hailstones are projectiles of sorts, they are
a magical attack just as are magic missiles.
An ice storm or other attack that damages
the protected creature does not end the
stoneskin spell, as the dweomer lasts until
it foils a physical attack (see UA page 57).