Shape Alteration

R^: 0 SPC^: S D^: Until again altered  S^: None  A^: Individual 

Effect: The science of shape alteration closely resembles the M-U spell, polymorph self.
The reader is referred to that spell for informational purposes.
By means of this discipline, the individual is able to alter his or her body size,
form and composition to nearly any other,
the garments and equipment he or she wears and carries being altered to conform to parts of the new body shape assumed.
Note that shape alteration bestows the normal means of respiration and locomotion of the new form assumed,
and STR proportionate to the size and characteristics,
but no other characteristics peculiar to a certain life form are thus gained,
i.e. assuming the shape of a red dragon does not allow the individual a fiery breath weapon.
Note also that the new shape might preclude the use of weapons, spells, etc.

Strength Point Cost: The strength point cost for shape alteration is 3 points, plus any of the following additional costs:
Alteration Strength Point Cost
each +/-1,000 g.p. weight equivalent in a body 1/1,000 g.p. weight equivalent
vegetable material to animal material or vice versa* 1/100 g.p. weight equivolent
mineral material to vegetable material or vice versa* 2/100 g.p. weight equivalent
mineral material to animal material or vice versa* 3/100 g.p. weight equivalent

Example: The psionic individual wishes to make a shape alteration to become a red dragon.
The individual is a fighter wearing/carrying 200 g.p. weight equivalent of vegetable material and 500 g.p. weight equivalent of
mineral material.
The latter add 19 points of psionic strength costs to the basic cost of 3, or 19 + 3 = 22.
The dragon size desired is assumed to be about 5 tons, or 10,000 pounds, or 100,000 g.p. weight equivalent.
This means that 100 psionic strength points are required here, and the total cost for the whole alteration is 122 points.
Assuming the individual has this strength, the equipment et al. would become parts of the dragon shape --
the armor scales, weapons claws, etc.
