Shocking Grasp

L^: mu1
R#: T
D^: One touch
C^: v.s
CT: 1
S^: None
A^: Creature touched

Effect: When the M-U casts this spell,
he or she develops a powerful electrical charge which gives a jolt to the creature touched.

The shocking grasp delivers from 1 to 8 HP  damage (d8),
plus 1 hit point per level of the M-U, i.e. a 2nd level M-U
would discharge a shock causing 3 to 10 hit points of damage.
While the magic-user must only come close enough to his or her opponent to lay a
hand on the opponent's body or upon on electrical conductor which touches the opponent's body,
a like touch from the opponent does not discharge the spell.

ADQ: Can multiple shocking grasp spells
be stored in the body? Could a M-U
cast 5 or 10 of them, then discharge
all of them at once?
ADA: Any spell "on hands" remains there
until something or someone is touched (and
is then discharged, regardless of the result)
or until another spell is cast.
(Polyhedron #21)

Scroll Creation:

  • 1 ounce giant octopus ink
  • 1 ounce of ash from a lightning-struck tree
  • 4 drops holy water
  • 1 sapphire, powdered
  • 1 pinch powdered gold asafetida
  • balm of gilead
  • ginseng
  • mace (or masterwort)



    The herbal ingredients must be burnt
    to ash in an oak fire. This ash is then
    added to the ash of the lightning-struck
    tree in a small metal bowl (copper ||
    gold is best). Add two drops of holy water
    and stir the mixture into a paste. Then
    add the powdered gold and powdered
    sapphire and stir in the other two drops
    of holy water. When this paste is thoroughly
    mixed, add it to the ink and heat
    to a boil, stirring until the paste is dissolved.
    Allow the mixture to stand out of
    doors for a day and a night.
    - The Book of the Silver Talon

    Howdy Greg,

    AC is as normal, except that metal armor equals no armor, and that goes for magical metal armor that isn't specificaly enchanted to prevent electrical attack.
    Dexterity counts, of course.

    If a target subject is not expecting sich an attack a hit is automatic, but completely unprepared targets are not usual, eh?
