Tenser's Floating Disc

L^: mu1
R#: 2"
D^: 3t + 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1
S^: None
A^: S

Effect: With this spell, the caster creates the circular plane of null-gravity known as Tenser's Floating Disc after the famed
wizard of that appellation (whose ability to locate treasure and his greed to recover every copper found ore well known).

The disc is concave, 3' in diameter, and holds 1,000 g.p. weight per level of the M-U casting the spell.
The disc floats at approximately 3' above the ground at all times and remains level likewise.
It maintains a constant interval of 6' between itself and the magic-user if unbidden.
It will otherwise move within its range, as well as along with him at a rate of 6", at the command of the magic-user.
If the spell caster moves beyond range, or if the spell duration expires,
the floating disc winks out of existence and whatever it was supporting is precipitated to the surface beneath it.

DMG: The caster cannot ride on the Disc.
The Disc always follows the magic-user.

Tenser's Floating Disc: An important 
detail in the DMG is that the caster of this 
spell cannot ride upon the disc, although 
it doesn't specifically bar others from 
doing so. It might be worth DMs extending 
this bar to include all characters and creatures. 
(Imagine #29)

MC: A drop of mercury.

SA: Tenser’s Floating Disk —The original article (The Astral Plane, Dragon #67) was in error <>
about the usage of this spell and its after-effects; when the spell
duration ends, anything the disk was carrying will follow a
straight-line path at a constant velocity, moving at the same
speed the now-expired disk was maintaining.

chrisspiller wrote:
Cool, thanks Gary!

Hey, as a follow up question: you mentioned Ernie's playing Tenser as a Mage that would enter melee when out of spells. Did Tenser ever employ the spell that was named after him or did he simply throw caution to the wind and have at it? I've always wanted to use that spell but never had a PC Magic-User find it 




He never used Tenser;s Transformation, just went hell for breakfast into battle. however, he did use Tenser's Floating Disk on every occassion it would enable the party to haul out more loot 
