Adventures in the Outdoors

The Adventure

It is necessary to have a reasonably well-detailed, large scale map for conducting adventures outdoors.
Naturally, the initial adventuring in the campaign will be those in the small community and nearby underground maze.
For whatever reason - player desire, quest or geas, or because of your own direction -
adventuring will sooner or later move to the outdoors.
What you must do to handle this is not difficult following the general procedures given below.

First, decide how you wish to proceed regarding the world at large.
If you have plenty of time and ideas,
you should design a continent (or a large portion thereof) which perfectly meshes with your initial setting.
If this is not possible, obtain one of the commercially available milieux,
and place the starting point of your campaign somewhere within this already created world.
At the risk of being accused of being self-serving,
I will mention parenthetically that my own WORLD OF GREYHAWK, (published by TSR), <>
was specifically designed to allow for insertion of such beginning milieux,
variety being great and history and organization left purposely sketchy to make interfacing a simple matter.
Whatever course you opt for, the scale of such world maps should be in the neighborhood of 20 to 40 miles per hexagon.
Such areas allow mapping of considerable territories and are optimal for movement and smaller scale maps as well,
dividing each large hex into blocks of smaller hexes, 5 across the middle or 5 across each face, as desired.

<try for a better image>
Adventuring outdoors actually covers several sorts of adventuring,
for it is a catch-all term for all activities not in underground or urban settings.
Thus, under this general heading will be 4 major subheadings:


Movement rates for land and water adventures are shown under movement.
Underwater movement is the same as dungeon and similar indoors movement rates,
as the locale of such adventures is always limited in area.

Q: When a map has a hex grid (hexagons
instead of squares), and the
scale is 24 miles per hex, what does
this really mean? Is the distance
measured from the centers of opposite
sides or from opposite corners?

A: In most games, the distance across a hex
is measured from the center of one side to
the center of the opposite side. This is the
case in the D&D and AD&D games.