Bellairs, John.


Appendix N

BELLAIRS \ casting from spellbooks

Originally Posted by Ourph
Hey Gary!

I'd like to start by thanking you for including the suggested reading lists in the DMG and Basic set books. Not only has the game you created led me to countless hours of fun and fellowship, it also helped me discover a lot of great fiction I might otherwise have missed.

One of the authors listed, John Bellairs, mentions The Collected Lectures of John L. Stoddard in his book The House With A Clock In Its Walls. Having recently acquired a set of this lecture series, it occurs to me that (while not the most gripping read) they would likely provide a DM with countless ideas and descriptions with which to inspire his own games (Stoddard's description of the fjords of Norway, in particular, was outstanding and really drives home how much geography shaped the Viking culture). I was wondering if you have ever read any of the Stoddard Lectures and if so, what you thought of them? On another related note, if you could go back and re-write your suggested reading list today, are there any new authors or works you would add?

Let me just add that I'm praying that God blesses you with many more years of happy and healthy living. Stay well.

Hi Ourph,

While I have read a lot, I never did read the lectures of the Good Mr. Stoddard. however, we read a lot about Scandanavia and the fjords in grammar school, and I even had to do a color drawing of a longship 

About the only additions I'd make to the recommended reading list in the old DMG would be the names of authors Glenn Cook and Terry Pratchett.

Thanks for your good wishes,


Originally Posted by Naidim

First I'd like to add my thanks for the creation of something that has added so much joy to my life.

When I first got into reading, my grandmother got for me the Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander and I was hooked on S&S. After that I picked up 3 Hearts and 3 Lions by Poul Anderson and The Hobbit/LotR. When a friend introduced me to D&D in 1979 I was in heaven, being able to adventure in the worlds I loved to read about was everything I could imagine.

I appreciate your thanks 

It goes without saying that I too found much joy, entertainment, and stimulous from my youthful reading. As a matter of fact I am still devoted to reading.


Although I do not scorn books written for a younger audience--such as Bellair's Face in the Frost and the "Harry Potter" novels, ir even the non-fantasy boys' adventure book series by Leo Edwards, "Jerry Todd" and "Poppy Ott"--I have never before heard of Lloyd Alexander's stories about the land of Prydain. My loss I guess...

Rowena Morrill - The art of - A face in the frost