Day-to-Day Acquisition of Cleric Spells
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Character Spells | - | - | - | DMG |
It is well known to all experienced
players that clerics, unlike magic-users,
have their spells bestowed
upon them by their respective deities.
By meditation and prayer
the clerics receive the specially empowered words which form the various
spells possible for them --
although as with the spells
of magic-users,
the utterance of any given
set of key sounds not only causes the desired spell to take effect,
but it likewise wipes the
memory of the sounds from the mind of the utterer, as each set of sounds
is an energy trigger (see SPELL CASTING).
Of utmost importance, then,
is the relationship between cleric and deity.
Each cleric must have his
or her own deity, so when a new player opts to
become a cleric (including
a druid), you must inform them as to which
deities exist in your campaign
milieu and allow the individual to select
which one of them he or
she will serve. This will not necessarily establish
the alignment
of the cleric, so at the same time the cleric PC
should also state his or
her ethos (not necessarily to the other players). It is
then assumed that prior
to becoming a first level cleric, the player
character received a course
of instruction, served a novitiate, and has
thoroughly read and committed
to memory the teachings of and prayers to
his or her chosen deity,
so that the character is dedicated to this deity and
is able to perform as a
cleric thereof. It is this background which enables
the cleric character to
use first level spells
Furthermore, continued service
and activity on behalf of the player character's
deity empower him or her
to use second level spells as well, but
thereafter another agency
must be called upon.
Cleric spells of third,
and fifth level are obtained through the aid
supernatural servants of
the cleric's deity. That is, through meditation and
prayer, the cleric's needs
are understood and the proper spells are given to
him or her by the minions
of the deity.
Cleric spells of sixth
seventh level are granted by direct communication
from the deity itself. There
is no intermediary in this case, and the
cleric has a direct channel
to the deity, from whom he or she receives the
special power to cast the
given spells of these levels.
Lesser clerics, then, draw
only upon their education, training, and experience
to gain spells, just as
higher clerics do when they renew their first
and second level spells.
In order to gain third, fourth, and fifth level
spells, however, higher
clerics must reach intermediaries of their respective
deities in order to have
these powers bestowed upon them from the
plane of their deity. When
clerics become very great, they must petition
their deity personally in
order to receive the powerful words which
enable the casting of sixth
and seventh level cleric spells. It is obvious,
therefore, that clerics
wishing to use third or higher level spells must be
in good standing.
If they have not been faithful
to their teachings, followed the aims of
their deity, contributed
freely to the cause and otherwise acted according
to the tenets of their faith,
it becomes unlikely that they will receive
intermediary aid unless
they make proper atonement and sacrifice. There
can be no question that
such clerics must be absolutely exemplary in
their activities, expressions,
and attitudes if they dare to contact their
deity directly!
In the former case, where
the unfaithful cleric desires third through fifth
level spells, the minions
(angels, demi-gods, or whatever) will be likely
to require the cleric to
spend 2-8 days in prayer, fasting, and contemplation
of his or her transgressions,
making whatever sacrifices and atonement
are necessary thereafter,
before freely granting those powers once
again. Sacrifice and atonement
will probably be left to the discretion of
the cleric, and it is possible
that the minions of the deity will empower
him or her with spells to
complete these steps, but the cleric had better
do the correct thing, or
face the consequences.
In the latter case, where
the unfaithful cleric desires spells above the fifth
level, the deity is certainly
going to be highly displeased and absolute.
The deity (you, the DM)
will point out all of the transgressions, state a
course of action which must
be followed to regain good graces grant the
spells which the deity deems
are necessary to complete the course (but
never in excess of those
which the cleric could normally use!), and pronounce
anathema <link:Ceremony?>
upon the cleric until satisfactory redemption has been
made - i.e., the cleric
can not again call upon any help from his or her
deity, or its minions, until
he or she has regained favor through a course
prescribed by the deity.
A cleric who, at this or
any juncture, changes deities is going to have a
difficult time. His or her
former deity will mark the cleric. The new deity
(and associated minions)
will be suspicious. Once a cleric changes
deities, he or she must
thereafter be absolutely true to the new calling, or
he or she will be snuffed
out by some godlike means. It is 90% unlikely
that the cleric's first
deity will accept him or her back into the fold after
falling away, unless some
special redemptive agency is involved. There
is no salvation for a thrice-changed
cleric; he or she is instantly killed.
Any change of alignment
which causes such a deity change is applicable,
unless the change is involuntary.
Note that the above applies
to paladins with respect to their clerical spell
powers and to rangers with
respect to their druidic clerical spell powers.
Question: When the
or PH states that
high-level clerical spells
are only given by a deity directly,
does that mean directly
each time a cleric wants to recharge a high-level spell,
or directly only the first
time, upon acquiring a new level?
Answer: In the DDG
it is stated that the gods punish their
clerics’ transgressions
by withholding higher-level spells when they do
wrong. From this, it can
be inferred that it is necessary for a cleric to
make a new appeal to his/her
deity for a spell of third level or higher
every time such a spell
is desired. — J. Ward, W. Niebling
richardstincer wrote:
Gary, I don't remember if
any printing of the ADandD 1st edit. PHB or DMG--from the years of 1978
to 1988--mentions something about what time of day a nondruid cleric can
pray for magic spells. Does the 1988 GreyHawk Adventures hardcover rulebook,
which is compatible with ADandD 1st edit., mention the time of day when
nondruid clerics can pray for magic spells? If none of the ADandD 1st edit.
rulebooks mention it, can the player choose evening twilight as the preferred
Ho richard,
That's more that's up to
the DM. Generaly its assumed by most, as clerics are adventuring, they
sleep through the night, say their morning prayers before the new day's
action commences, and thus have their spells renewed, even as magic-users
are cracking open their spell books to memorize their new ones for the