Axe of the Dwarvish Lords~~

IS: <Lernaean: Epic Poo>
GP:  55k
Artifacts & Relics
<8Magic Items8>

Lejend relates that the greatest dwarf who ever lived, the first Dwarven King, forged this weapon in volcanic fires with the aid of a patron god.

It passed from dwarven monarch to dwarven
monarch until it was lost in the Invoked Devastation centuries gone.
Rumors persist of the appearance of the Axe from time to time in various
places, but it supposedly bears a curse. The blade of the Axe is equal to a
sword of sharpness, and i t is backed by a head equal to a +3 hammer. The
handle extends or contracts upon command to equal a battle or hand axe
(for throwing), and the Axe will return 30’ to its thrower. The possessor has
dwarven abilities of infravision, trap detection, etc. - double abilities if a
dwarf. The possessor’s life span is 50% longer than normal, but he or she
becomes more and more dwarf-like with time, until eventually he or she
exactly resembles one. The Axe has the following additional powers/effects:
- - -
2 x I 2 = Animate dead (1 figure) (by touch) -- 7 times/week 33 = Protection +2 when held or worn
1 x II 51 = Word of recall -- 1 time/day -
1 x III** 19 = User's sex changes -
1 x IV 18, 18, 11, 7 = Item is itself a living, sentient being forced to serve; but each usage of a primary power gives a 1%-3% cumulative possibility that the spell will be broken and that the living being will:
1 = change the possessor into a like artifact/relic
1 x V  31 = Total immunity to all forms of mental and psionic attacks -
1 x VI 6, 1 = Alignment of possessor permanently changed to that of item -

** These powers should be inflicted upon the possessor of the item after he or
she has had the artifact or relic for a period of time (1-4 weeks) or after
using major powers of the item.

Suggested Means of Destruction: Cause it to be devoured by a Lernaean Hydra.


Author: John Scott, random generation in DFL (witnessed: 2011.11.9)


Constant. The Axe is  +3 weapon, functioning
both as a sword of sharpness and as a hammer +3 dwarven thrower.
It grants dwarven detection and vision abilities at the normal chance or range.
Invoked. The Axe can summon one 16-HD earth elemental (1/week).
Random. 3 from Table 20: Earth Elemental

(Book of Artifacts)
