Cubic Gate

<img: Carnelian Cube>

IS: gem
XP: 5k 
GP: 17,500 
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

Another small cubic device, this item is fashioned from carnelian.

The 6 sides of the cube are each keyed to a plane, 1 of which will always be the Prime Material, of course.
The other 5 can be chosen by any means desired. <cf. amulet of the planes>
If the side of the cubic gate is pressed but once, it
opens a nexus to the appropriate plane, and there is a 10% chance per turn
that something will come through it looking for food, fun, and/or trouble. <make direct links to the encounter tables for the Planes>
If the side is pressed twice, the creature so doing, along with all creatures
in a 5' radius will be drawn through the nexus to the other plane. It is impossible
to open more than 1 nexial link at once