Horn of the Tritons

Enc.: 5
Class: C, F
XP: 2k
GP: 17,500
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

Horn of the Tritons: This device is a conch shell horn which can be blown
but once per day, except by a triton who can sound it 3 times daily. A horn
of the tritons can do any 1 of the following functions when properly blown:

    1. Calm rough waters in a 1 mile radius (this has the effect of dispelling
        a water elemental or water weird);

    2. Summon 5-20 hippocampi (1-2), 5-30 giant sea horses (3-5), or 1-10
        sea lions (6) if the character is in a body of water wherein such
        creatures dwell (the creatures summoned will be friendly to and
        obey, to the best of their understanding, the character who sounded
        the horn); or

    3. Panic marine creatures with animal, or lower, intelligence so as to
        cause them to flee unless each saves versus magic, and those who
        do save must take a -5 penalty on their "to hit" dice rolls for 3-18
        turns (30-180 rounds).

Any sounding of a horn of the tritons can be heard by all tritons within a 1
league radius.
