Invulnerable Coat of Arnd~~

GP: k
Artifacts & Relics
<8Magic Items8>

The High Priest Arnd of Tdon is said to have
been the original possessor of this relic. The Coat is a bright and shimmering
shirt of fine and almost weightless chain links. It covers the upper
arms, torso, and groin of any human-shaped wearer of from 3' to 8' height,
and makes the wearer totally invulnerable to physical attacks with respect
to covered areas and gives AC 5 protection to all other areas. In addition,
the Coat adds + 5 to saves as if it were +5 magic armor, protects
its wearer from fire as if it were a ring of fire resistance, and acid, cold,
and electrical attacks have no effect upon the wearer. Additionally, the Invulnerable
Coat of Arnd has the following powers/effects:
3 x I * * *
2 x II ** **
2 x III *** ***
1 x IV ****
1 x V *****
1 x VI ******




Originally Posted by Deuce Traveler
Gary, what were the more memorable paladins that you've seen played?


There were only a few played in my campaign, but there were two that were remarkable,

That played by Don Arndt was the most cautious one I have ever experienced or heard of.
His behavior was so remarkable that the Artifict, "Invulnerable coat of Arn" was created to jape at such play.

James M: 2. Were you a participant in the original Greyhawk campaign refereed by Gary and Rob Kuntz and, if so, which characters did you play?

Skip Williams: Ah, you're giving me a chance to split hairs here.

Gary ran the very first Greyhawk campaign using the map from the Outdoor Survival game and his notes for the future D&D Game (the very first D&D suggests getting Outdoor Survival and using it for your campaign map). After TSR published D&D, Gary drew a campaign map of his own and that became the Greyhawk setting everyone knows. I was involved in that campaign pretty much from the start, having seen the map laid out on Gary's dining room table.

In "New Greyhawk," I had several characters. The most famous of these was Rufus of Hommlet (or Rufus of Skipperton as Gary named him in one of his novels). Rufus explored the Temple of Elemental Evil and eventually became a bigwig in Hommlet. He's mentioned in the modules Gary wrote about the Temple of Elemental Evil campaign.

I also had a halfling thief (these days D&D players would call him a rogue) called Phalangas, or "Fingers," who ran around the City of Greyhawk causing as much trouble as he could, and picking pockets on the way. I only ever played Phalangas when Rob Kuntz, Gary's co-DM decided to run a pickup game, so no one has heard of him until now.

My longest-running character in the Greyhawk campaign was a human fighter named Boaric. Boaric was no great shakes, but he rubbed elbows with the big boys in the campaign (Tenser, Erac's Cousin, and Robilar to name a few) and was involved on some famous adventures. He was involved in an aborted expedition into the Tomb of Horrors. His biggest accomplishment there was dragging various bits and pieces of his former comrades back out. He also hacked and slashed his way through Against the Giants until coming toe to toe with Snurre Ironbelly. That episode ended badly for all, and it took a wish to get us back on our feet. Boaric also made a few trips to The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, and briefly owned the Invulnerable Coat of Arnd.

Boaric was the only character I played under both Greyhawk DMs, Gary and Rob Kuntz.

- Grognardia (Interview: Skip Williams)
