Libram of Gainful Conjuration ~~

Class: M

Enc.: 20#
IS: Book +2
XP: 8000
GP: 40,000 
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

This mystic compilation contains much
arcane knowledge for magic-users (incl. illusionists) of neutral (neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful neutral) alignment.

If a character of this class and alignment spends a full week, cloistered and undisturbed,
pondering its contents, he or she will gain XP sufficient to
place him or her exactly at the mid-point of the next higher level. When
this occurs, the libram will disappear -- totally gone -- and that same
character can never again benefit from reading such a work. Any non-neutral
MU reading so much as a line of the libram will take 5-20
points of damage, be unconscious for a like number of turns, and must
seek a cleric to atone in order to regain the ability to progress in experience
(until doing so, he || she will gain no further experience). Any non-MU
perusing the work will be required to save vs. magic in order to avoid insanity.
Those characters going insane must receive a remove curse and rest for 1 month || have a cleric heal them.