<8Magic Items8>
GP: 185k
Artifacts & Relics
Thanks Luke! 

Mighty Servant of Leuk-O: Those who are most knowledgeable regarding
ancient artifacts believe that this device is of the same manufacture as the
Machine of lum. The Mighty Servant of the famous General Leuk-O is a
towering automaton of crystal, unknown metals, and strange fibrous
material. It is over 9' tall, 6' deep, and some 4.5' wide. Inside is a compartment
suitable for holding 2 man-sized creatures, and there is space for 4-5
others to sit outside. If the possessor knows the proper command phrases,
he or she can use the Mighty Servant as a transportation mode, magical
attack device, or fighting machine. It is armor class -1 and can withstand
60 hit points of damage. Note all weapons do only 50% of normal damage
(round down). The Mighty Servant regenerates (self-repairs) 2 points of
damage per round. Its magic resistance is 100%. Acid, cold, fire, heat,
vacuum, and/or water have no effect on the device. Electrical/lightning
attacks cause only 20% normal damage (round down), even if the Servant
fails the magic resistance check.

The Mighty Servant moves at a maximum speed of 3". After each 12 hours
of operation it must rest (recharge) itself for 1 hour. Any intelligent viewer
within 12" must save versus magic ( + 2 on the die roll) or flee in panic. It
can attack but 1 time per round, and it has a base 15% chance to hit an
opponent regardless of its armor class. Opponents with intelligence and a
dexterity of 15 or better reduce the base chance to hit by 2.5% per 1 point
of dexterity above 14. A hit from the Mighty Servant causes 10-100 hit
points of damage.

In addition, the Mighty Servant of leuk-0 has these powers/effects:
6 x I * * * * * *
6 x II ** ** ** ** ** **
1 x III ***
2 x IV **** ****
1 x VI ******

Effects are triggered by maior power use. The Mighty Servant will obey
those humans who learn its secrets of automation and control.



SA: No, you can't place the Apparatus of Kwalish inside the Mighty Servant of Leuk-O!
