Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments~~

XP: 5001
GP: 3k1
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

    1: Per pot of pigments.

These magical emulsions enable their
possessor to create actual objects simply by depicting their form in 2
dimensions. The variegated pigments are applied by a stick tipped with
bristles, hair, or fur. The emulsion flows from the application to form the
desired object as the wielder concentrates on the desired image. One pot
of Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments is sufficient to create a 1,000 cubic foot
object by depicting it 2 dimensionally over a 100 square foot surface. Thus,
a 1 0 ' x 10' x 10 ' pit, or a 1 0 ' x 10 ' x 10 ' room, or a large door with a
passage behind it, etc. can be created by application of the pigments. Note
that only normal, inanimate things can be so created ~ doors, pits,
flowers, trees, cells, etc.; not monsters, people, golems, and the like. The
pigments must be applied to a surface, i.e. a floor, wall, ceiling, door, etc.
From 1-4 containers of pigments will be found, usually with a single instrumenkabout
1' long with which to apply them. It takes 1 turn to depict an
object with pigments. Obiects of value depicted by pigments ~ precious
metals, gems, jewelry, ivory, etc. - will appear valuable but will be tin,
lead, paste gems, brass, bone, etc. Normal armor or weapons can, of
course, be created.

