Orb of Dragonkind~~

GP: 10-80k
1. Orb of the Hatchling
2. Orb of the Wyrmkin
3. Orb of the Dragonette
4. Orb of the Dragon
5. Orb of the Great Serpent
6. Orb of the Firedrake
7. Orb of the Elder Wyrm
8. Orb of the Eternal Grand Dragon
Artifacts & Relics
<8Magic Items8>

Orb of Dragonkind: It is written that when certain of the good deities
conspired to devise means to easily control the evil dragons plaguing
mankind, demon servants of evil changed the magical forces involved so
as to include all of dragonkind and then caused the Orbs fashioned to
have inimical properties as well. In all, 8 globes of carven white iode were
made, 1 each for each age in a dragon's life span. The smallest is but 3
inches in diameter, the largest is about 10 inches across. Each is covered
with bas reliefs of entwined dragons of all sorts, the whole being of
incredible hardness, and somehow imprisoning the very essence of 011
dragons. The 8 different Orbs are:

1. Orb of the Hatchling: The possessor of this device is empowered to
charm any very young dragon. The Orb has an intelligence of 9 and
an ego of 9, and if this combination equals or exceeds the
combined intelligence and wisdom of its possessor, the Orb will
control him or her and surely slay him or her. The Orb has these powers:

3 x I * * *

2. Orb of the Wyrrnkin: The possessor of this device is empowered to
charm any young dragon. The Orb has an intelligence of 10 and on
ego of 10, and if this combination equals or exceeds the combined
intelligence and wisdom of its possessor, the Orb will control him or
her and cause the character's demise as speedily as possible. The
Orb has these powers:

2 x I * *
1 x II **

3. Orb of the Dragonette: The possessor of this device is empowered
to charm any sub-adult dragon. The Orb has an intelligence of 1 1
and an ego of 11, and if this combinotlon equals or exceeds the
combined intelligence and wisdom of its possessor, the Orb will
control him or her and bring death as rapidly as possible to the
individual. The Orb has these powers/effects:

3 x I * * *
1 x II **
1 x III ***

4. Orb of the Dragon: The possessor of this device is empowered to
charm any young adult dragon. The Orb has on intelligence of 12
and an ego of 12, and if this combination equols or exceeds the
combined intelligence and wisdom of its possessor, the Orb will
control the character and cause his or her death os speedily as it
can. The Orb has these powers/effects:

4 x I * * * *
1 x II **
1 x III ***

5. Orb of the Great Serpent: The possessor of this device is empowered
to charm any adult dragon. It is otherwise the same os
others of its ilk, with intelligence and ego of 13 each and hos these

3 x I * * *
2 x II ** ** **
1 x III ***
I x VI ******

6. Orb of the Firedrake: The possessor of this device is empowered to
charm any old dragon. It is otherwise similar to its fellows, with an
intelligence and ego of 14 each and has the following powers/effects:

3 x I * * *
3 x II ** ** **
2 x III *** ***
1 x VI ******

7. Orb of the Elder Wyrm: The possessor of this device is empowered
to charm anyvery old dragon. This Orb is the same as the others of
its type, with intelligence and ego of 16 each and the following

4 x I * * * *
3 x II ** ** **
2 x III *** ***
1 x IV ****
1 x V *****
1 x VI ******

8. Orb of the Eternal Grand Dragon: The possessor of this device is
empowered to charm any ancient dragon. Furthermore, its
possessor is given a +8 for any saving throws, attacks, ond domage
he or she makes when contending directly with either tiamat or
Bohamut. The Orb is similar to its lesser cousins, having 18 for both
intelligence and ego, ond the following powers/effects:

4 x I * * * *
3 x II ** ** **
2 x III *** ***
1 x IV ****
2 x V *****
1 x VI ******

Notes Regarding Orbs of Dragonkind: All of these Orbs have a strong
component of evil, and a neutral or good character will have to save
versus magic to resist charming a neutrol/good dragon. Charm range is 5"
and requires 1 full round with the subject fully awake and aware of the
character. Because of the original purpose, only evil dragons are automotically
charmed, neutral dragons save at -4 on their dice, good dragons
at -2. Charmed characters can be considered as possessing 50% of their
normal wisdom with respect to an Orb of Dragonkind. Any possessor with
feeblemind affecting him or her, or insane, will have 3 intelligence, or
50% of normal, respectively. The Orb can control only an active ond awoke
mind. Destruction of a character will typically be by sacrifice to a dragon, if
one is at hand, otherwise by the most sure and expeditious method.


