Ring of Contrariness


Enc.: <game school>
Item Save: <metal, soft>
XP: --- 
GP: 1k
Magic Items

This magic ring is cursed so as to make its wearer unable to agree with any idea or statement or action.
Once put on, the ring can be removed only after a remove curse spell is cast upon the individual
wearing it. Because of the curse, the wearer will resist any attempts to cast
such a spell. Furthermore, the contrariness ring will have one of the following
additional magical properties:
01-20 Flying
21-40 Invisibility
41-60 Levitation
61-70 Shocking Grasp (once per round)
71-80 Spell Turning
81-00 Strength (18/00)

Note that contrariness can never be removed from the ring. The wearer
will use his or her own powers, plus those of the ring, to retain it on his or
her finger. The wearer of the ring will never damage him or herself. If, for
example, other characters suggest that the wearer should make certain
that attacks upon him or her are well-defended against, or that he ar she
should not strike his or her own head, the ring wearer will agree - possibly
attacking or striking at the speaker's head - because obviously the
result must be contrary in this case.

<Ring of Contrary Spell Turning> : If a ring of contrariness turns spells,
the cumulative remove curse cast upon the individual wearing it must equal or exceed 00 (100%).
<1.5: volley?>


IlexGarodan wrote:

What is your opinion on gag items? Of the roleplaying games you've developed, which ones (if any) were your favourites? I know we've all hurled joke items at least once as referees.. 

Ilex G.

I absolutely love an occassional joke magic item. I hope that Troll Lord Games will publish my Weyland Smith Catalog as part of the Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds reference book series.
It is jam-packed with all manner of joke items, far more than in the booklet version that Hekaforge Rpoductions released on a limnited basis about five or six years back.
some are actually useful for characters to employ, and there is a method of obtaining the items given in the work.

Anyway, I have had an hilarious time with Boots of Dancing,
and I role-played my fighter Yrag with the first Ring of Contrariness ever in play, and that was a thigh-slapper for sure.
A ring of Delusion can be fun, and a Wand of Wonder is always a hoot.


P.S. From the above it is obvious that I do not take myself or RPGing too seriously 

Originally Posted by the black knight
Alternatively, which items have generated the most fun in your campaigns? Were there any items that seemed mundane but turned out to be pivotal, camapign changing events?

Ring of Contrariness
Wand of Wonder
Any talking magic sword

There were no items that had more than a restricted, tactical impact on the campaign.
