Ring of Delusion
A delusion ring will convince the wearer that it is some
other sort of ring, a ring of whatever sort
the wearer really desires.
As the
wearer will be completely convinced that the ring is actually one with
other magical properties, he or she will unconsciously use his or her
abilities of any sort (including those of other magical items available)
actually produce a result commensurate with the supposed properties
the delusion ring. As referee, you will have to be most judicious in
how successful the self-delusion can be, as well as how observers
can be affected and what they will observe. The ring can be
removed at any time.
Yeah, trust is always an
issue when ID'ing magic items.
My DM once told me that my character had identified a ring as a Ring of Multiple Wishes (fully charged). Now, since this was my secondary character who was identifying it for a different group of characters than the one he normally adventured with, he had the opportunity to, shall we say, mislead the party who had hired him and buy the ring at far below its percieved value.
My character failed to take
advantage of the opportunity (he was chaotic, but basically honest) and,
yes, the ring did turn out to be a Ring of Delusion. I'm glad the Paladin
got saddled with that one.
As for ID'ing magic swords... there's a pretty simple test for 1st edition based on a logical extention of existing rules. If the magic sword can bite into stone, it's a +2 weapon. If it can bite into iron, it's a +3 weapon. If it can bite into iron and it is made of adamantine, then it's a +4 or +5 weapon.
This is based on various tidbits of lore regarding magic weapons, and the fact that in 1st edition, you needed a +2 weapon to harm a Stone Golem and a +3 weapon to harm an Iron Golem.
A ring of delusion can indeed mislead a mage as well as anyone else, if the examination is done without checking for curse and misinformation.
As for the value of magical blades what you suggest is fine but add" "Can bite into __________ without dulling the weapon's edge."