Robe of Blending~~


Enc.: 2.5 (worn), 5 (folded)
XP: 3500
GP: 35k 
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

This ordinary appearing robe cannot be detected by
magical means.

When i t is put on, however, the wearer will detect a
dweomer and know that the garment has very special properties. A robe
of blending enables its weorer to appear to be part of a rock wall, a plant,
a creature of another sort - whatever is appropriate. The colorotion, form,
and even odor are produced by the robe, although it will not make its
wearer appear to be more than twice/one-half normal height, and it does
not empower language/noise capabilities - either understanding or
imitating. (In situations where several different forms are appropriate, the
wearer is obliged to stote which form he wishes the robe to camouflage
him or her as.) Creatures with exceptional (15+) or better intelligence
have a 1% per intelligence point chance of detecting something omiss
when they are within 3" of a robe of blending, and those creatures with
low intelligence (5+) or better and 10 or more levels of experience or hit
dice have a 1% per level or hit die chance of likewise noting something
unusual about a robe-wearing character. (The latter is cumulative with the
former chance for detection, so an 18 intelligence magic-user of 12th level
has a 30% chance - 18% + 12% - of noting something amiss.) There
must be an initial check per eligible creature, and successive checks
should be mode each turn thereafter, if the same creatures are within the
3" range. All creatures acquainted with and friendly to the wearer will see
him or her normally.

ADQ: Can someone blend via a robe of blending 
and move at the same time? 
ADA: YES; this is its primary mode of USE. 
It can, of course, simply be used to hide, as well. 
(Polyhedron #25)

<note: this might be another Oriental magic item in the DMG, perhaps. cf. chameleon, in OA>