Sphere of Annihilation~~

XP: 3750
GP: 30k 
Class: M
Miscellaneous Magic
<8Magic Items8>

Sphere of Annihilation: A sphere of annihilation is a globe of absolute
blackness, a ball of nothingness 2' in diameter. A sphere is actually a hole
in the continuity of the multiverse, a void. Any matter which comes in
contact with a sphere is instantly sucked into the void, gone, utterly
destroyed, wishes and similar magicks notwithstanding! A sphere of annihilation
i s basically static, resting in some spot just os if i t were o normol
hole. It can be caused to move, however, by mental effort, the brain
waves of the individual concentrating on changing its position bending
spatial fabrics so as to cause the hole to slide in some direction. Control
range is 40' initially, l"/level once control is established. Basic movement
rate is 10 ' per round, modified as shown below.

Sphere of annihilation

Concentration control is based on intelligence and level of experience - the higher the level the
greater the mental power and discipline. For every 1 point of intelligence
above 12, the magic-user adds 1%; for every 1 point over 15, he or she
adds another 3%, i.e. 1% for each point from 13 to 15, and additional 3%
for each point from 16-18 - a maximum of 12% bonus at 18 intelligence.

The bonus applies to this table:
Level of Magic-User Movement/Round Probability of Control per Round
up to 5th 8' 15%
6th-7th 9' 20%
8th-9th 10' 30%
10th-11th 11' 40%
12th-13th 12' 50%
14th-15th 13' 60%
16th-17th 14' 70%
18th-20th 15' 75%
21st & above 16' 80%

Any attempt to control the sphere will cause it to move, but if control is not
established, the sphere will slide towards the magic-user attempting to do
so, and it will continue so moving for 1-4 rounds or longer, if the
magic-user is within 30' thereafter.

Gax's Sphere of Annihilation (92.29)

If 2 or more magic-users attempt to control a sphere of annihilation, the
strongest (the one with the highest percentage chance to control the
sphere) i s checked first, then the next strongest, etc. Control chance is
reduced 5% per person, cumulative, when 2 or more magic-users concentrate
on the sphere, even if they ore attempting the same thing
(co-operating). If none ore successful, the sphere will slip towards the
strongest. Control must be checked each and every round.

Should a gate spell be cast upon a sphere, there is a 50% chance that the
spell will destroy it, 35% that the spell will do nothing, and 15% that a gap
will be torn in the spatial fabric, and everything in an 18' radius will be
catapulted into another plane or universe.

If a rod of cancellation touches a sphere, the two will cause a tremendous explosion as they negote each
other. Everything within a 6" radius will sustain 30-120 (3d4 x 10) hit
points of damage. A psionic using probability travel discipline when the
sphere touches him or her will be able to do away with the sphere, and
gain another major psionic power, if he or she succeeds in saving versus
magic; failure indicates onnihilation. (See Talisman of the Sphere hereafter.)

