Wand of Polymorphing

Miryanda's Wand of Polymorphing (92.261)

Class : M
Charges: 100 - (d20-1)
<Enc. (Case): 
Leather Case = 3
Bone or Ivory Case = 6
Box = >
<Item Save (Case):
Bone or Ivory Case
Leather Case
Box ()

Item Save (Wand):
Wood, thin>

XP: 3500k if full
(35 per charge)
GP: 35,000 if full
(350 per charge)
Magic Items

* The polymorphing wand emits __a green beam__, __a thin ray__ which darts forth to a max. distance of 6".
If this beam
touches any creature, it must make its saving throw versus wands (success
indicating a miss) or be polymorphed (others) as the spell of the same
name (q.v.). The wand wielder may opt to form the victim into a snail,
frog, insect, etc. as long as the result is a small and inoffensive creature.

* The possessor of the wand may elect to touch a creature with the device instead.
When this is done (unwilling creatures must be hit and they are also entitled to a save) the recipient is surrounded by dancing motes of sparkling emerald light,
and then transforms into whatever creature-shape
the wand wielder has stated.
This is the same magical effect as the polymorph (self) spell (q.v.).

Either function requires 3 segments. Each draws 1
charge. Only 1 function per round is possible. The wand may be recharged.

* Wands perform at the 6th level of experience with respect to the damage they cause,
range, duration, AREA of effect, etc. unless otherwise noted.

* At your option 1% of all wands are trapped to backfire.