Weinbaum, Stanley.


Appendix N

Anyway, the series Saberhagen called to mind Stanley Weinbau''s The BLack Flame. >

Originally Posted by ColonelHardisson
Hiya Gary! I have a question that I'm sure has been asked before, but I figured I'd ask again.

In your original vision for Greyhawk, did gunpowder work? If you had projected ahead in Greyhawk's history, and worked on a campaign along the lines of something like the "Greyhawk 2000" article from Dragon a couple years back, would gunpowder be readily manufactured? Is there anything that would prevent gunpowder from being made, or if it was made, anything that would keep it from being combustible, at least combustible enough to prevent its use in firearms?

Well Suh!

I do not believe that magic and gunpowder technology mix well.
It can be done, as Stanly Weinbaum proved in his post-catyclysm fantasy novel...the title of which escapes me at the moment.
There was a spell that sset off gunpowder and like explosives at a considerable distance.
Having gunbpowder weapons really moves the game from the fantasy genre to some other, wierd or science fantasy.
Which brings me to the short answer:

No, I didn't have working gunpowder nor did I contemplate having gunpowder weapons in the campaign.

See my next reply for the answer to a seeming anomaly in my response
