Wellman, Manly Wade.

<PF: John the Balladeer series, et al.>

Appendix N


^ The above is a complete compilation of all of the Silver John stories^

^Research the movie "The Legend of Hillbilly John"^

Originally Posted by Tav_Behemoth
Frank, it's good to see you here! Hope you'll continue to grace us with your wisdom.

Gary, I wanted to ask you about one of the recommended & inspirational authors in Appendix N of the DMG: Fredrick Brown. You didn't list any specific works by him, and the writing I know of his is either light comic SF like Martians, Go Home or mystery novels; neither seems directly relevant to D&D.

Were you thinking of stories Brown wrote in a more sword & sorcery vein, and if so could you give me some pointers where to look for it?

(On a related note, I just got my hands on copies of the Swords Against Darkness anthologies and discovered the Kardios stories by Manly Wade Wellman, which are a more direct D&D inspiration than the John the Balladeer tales he's better known for nowadays. Fun stuff!)


But I refuse to go into the basement and search the stacks there for old Fredic Brown paperbacks <stick out tongue>
Thinking back some 35 years or so, I seem to recall a book he wrote, a compilation of short stories titled Nightmares & Geezenstacks.

"John the Balladeer"? Ah, you are referring to Wellman's Odd John protagonist 
