01-10 | Anatosaurus |
11-12 | Ankylosaurus |
13 | Apatosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
14 | Brachiosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
15 | Camarasaurus |
16 | Cetiosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
17 | Diplodocus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
18-20 | Gorgosaurus |
21-40 | Iguanadon/Lambeosaurus |
41-42 | Lizard, minotaur |
43-46 | Monoclonius |
47-53 | Miscellaneous Small-Medium Reptiles (Basically small or inoffensive creatures which can not be immed. distinguished as such by onlookers.) <> |
54-67 | Pentaceratops |
68-69 | Pterodactyl, small (Basically small or inoffensive creatures which can not be immed. distinguished as such by onlookers.) (75% likely to be encountered while airborne) <> |
70-76 | Pteranodon (75% likely to be encountered
while airborne)
77-79 | Styracosaurus |
80-82 | Teratosaurus |
83-92 | Triceratops +
93-00 | Tyrannosaurus Rex |
01-06 | Anatosaurus |
07-10 | Ankylosaurus |
11-12 | Antrodemus |
13 | Apatosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
14 | Brachiosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
15-17 | Camarasaurus |
18-22 | Ceratosaurus |
23 | Cetiosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
24 | Diplodocus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
25-28 | Gorgosaurus |
29-35 | Iguanadon/Lambeosaurus |
36-41 | Monoclonius |
42-47 | Miscellaneous Small-Medium Reptiles (Basically small or inoffensive creatures which can not be immed. distinguished as such by onlookers.) <> |
48-54 | Pentaceratops |
55-60 | Plateosaurus |
61-62 | Pterodactyl, small (Basically small or inoffensive creatures which can not be immed. distinguished as such by onlookers.) (75% likely to be encountered while airborne) <> |
63-67 | Pteranodon (75% likely to be encountered while airborne) |
68-69 | Snake, Giant, Constrictor |
70-82 | Stegosaurus |
83-87 | Styracosaurus |
88-89 | Teratosaurus |
90-95 | Triceratops, 2-8 |
96-00 | Tyrannosaurus Rex |
01-08 | Anatosaurus |
0-14 | Antrodemus |
15-19 | Apatosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
20 | Brachiosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
21-23 | Camarasaurus |
24-28 | Ceratosaurus |
29 | Cetiosaurus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
30 | Diplodocus (If water body is nearby, otherwise roll again) |
31-40 | Iguanadon/Lambeosaurus |
41-45 | Lizard, giant |
46-50 | Megalosaurus |
51-55 | Miscellaneous Small-Medium Reptiles (Basically small or inoffensive creatures which can not be immed. distinguished as such by onlookers.) <> |
56-63 | Paleoscincus |
64-80 | Plateosaurus |
81-85 | Snake, Giant, Constrictor |
86-95 | Stegosaurus |
96-00 | Teratosaurus |
01-12 | Anatosaurus |
13-18 | Apatosaurus |
19-23 | Brachiosaurus |
24-28 | Camarasaurus |
29-34 | Cetiosaurus |
35-40 | Crocodile, giant |
41-48 | Diplodocus |
49-56 | Iguanadon/Lambeosaurus |
57-60 | Lizard, giant |
61-63 | Lizard, minotaur |
64-65 | Miscellaneous Small-Medium Reptiles (Basically small or inoffensive creatures which can not be immed. distinguished as such by onlookers.) <> |
66-71 | Nothosaurus (** The nothosaurus is to be treated as a megalosaurus in all respects save habitat and movement, the latter being 6"//12"). <> |
72-76 | Paleoscincus |
77-82 | Pterodactyl, small (Basically small or inoffensive creatures which can not be immed. distinguished as such by onlookers.) (75% likely to be encountered while airborne) <> |
83-89 | Pteranodon (75% likely to be encountered while airborne) |
90-00 | Snake, Giant, Constrictor |
The creatures listed above are not all from the same geological period,
they provide a highly interesting mixture for adventuring. Feel free
devise your own encounter matrix for Jurassic, Triassic, or other period
with non-aberrant creatures.