Appendix L: Conjured Animals

When the conjuring cleric or illusionist states the number of hit dice <Hit Dice Category, Categories?> of the animals he or she will summon,
consult the appropriate section of the table hereafter.

<Hit Dice Category, Categories?>

HD = 1
HD = 2
HD = 3
HD = 4
HD = 5
HD = 6
HD = 7
HD = 8
HD = 9
HD = 10
HD = 11
HD = 12
HD = 13
HD = 14
HD = 15

Note that the variation includes fractions of HP, and these must be charged off against the total conjurable by the spell-caster.
<reword? edit?>
Where several possibilities exist, a number for random selection has been assigned,
for the cleric or illusionist cannot specify what sort of animal he or she will summon.

A. max = caster level (a LVL6 caster can choose from the HD = 1 to HD = 6 lists)
B. total must be <= caster level (a LVL6 caster can summon 4 baboons (1.25+1.25+1.25+1.25=5), but not 5 baboons (1.25+1.25+1.25+1.25+1.25=6.25)

<A, B>

A = Hit Dice Category Dice Score Animal Type B = Hit Dice Cost
1 01-15 Baboon 1.25
1 16-45 Dog, wild 1.25
1 46-55 Flightless Bird 0.5
1 56-65 Jackal 0.5
1 66-00 Rat, giant 0.5
- - - -
2 01-25 Badger 1.5
2 26-35 Flightless bird 2
2 36-60 Herd animal 2
2 61-00 Horse, wild 2
- - - -
3 01-05 Axe Beak 3
3 06-10 Badger, giant 3
3 11-15 Boar, warthog 3
3 16-20 Camel 3
3 31-40 Dog, war 2.5
3 41-45 Flightless bird 3
3 46-55 Goat, giant 3.25
3 56-65 Hyena 3
3 66-75 Lion, mountain 3.25
3 76-80 Lynx, giant 2.5
3 81-85 Mule 3
3 86-90 Stag 3
3 91-95 Wolf 2.5
3 96-00 Wolverine 3
- - - -
4 01-05 Ape 4.25
4 06-15 Bear, black 3.25
4 16-20 Beaver, giant 4
4 21-30 Boar, wild 3.75
4 31-40 Bull 4
4 41-45 Eagle, giant 4
4 46-50 Irish deer 4
4 51-55 Jaguar 4.25
4 56-60 Leopard 3.5
4 61-65 Owl, giant 4
4 66-75 Ram, giant 4
4 76-85 Weasel, giant 3.75
4 86-00 Wolf, dire 3.75
- - - -
5 01-10 Ape, carnivorous 5
5 11-25 Buffalo 5
5 26-35 Hyena, giant 5
5 36-50 Otter, giant 5
5 51-70 Skunk, giant 5
5 71-85 Stag, giant 5
5 86-00 Wolverine, giant 5
- - - -
6 01-40 Bear, brown 6.25
6 41-60 Lion 5.5
6 61-80 Porcupine, giant 6
6 81-00 Tiger 6.25
- - - -
7 01-65 Boar, giant 7
7 66-00 Lion, spotted 6.5
- - - -
8 01-30 Bear, cave 7.5
8 31-70 Hippopotamus 8
8 71-00 Tiger, sabre-tooth 7.5
- - - -
9 - Rhinoceros 8.5
- - - -
10 01-60 Elephant 10
10 61-00 Rhinoceros, woolly 10
- - - -
11 - Elephant (loxodont) 11
- - - -
12 01-60 Mastodon 12
12 61-00 Titanothere 12
- - - -
13 - Mammoth 13
13 - Whale (small) <> 13
- - - -
14 - Baluchitherium 14
14 - Whale (small) <> 14
- - - -
15 & up - Whales only, 
to a maximum of 36 hit dice cost <>

If in or on water, only the appropriate sorts of animals can be called,
i.e., swimmers and flying ones, where applicable.
