The Elder Sign~~

Cthulhu Mythos

This small grey (sometimes greenish) stone in the shape of a five-pointed star is a powerful protection against all minions of the Old Ones. The true potent Elder Signs are few in number and incredibly ancient, having been made by the elder gods. They have the following powers: they are 100% protection against psionic attacks; they are a force that will drive off all Shoggoths, Byakhee, Flame Creatures, Deep Ones, and Mi-Go, when strongly presented; and while they will not stop the persistent efforts of any of the more powerful masters, they will provide a +6 protection against their attacks (as a ring of protection).

The Elder Signs are highly resistant to destruction -- armor class -2, broken only by magic or by some incredible force. The Elder Sign was used by the elder gods to seal off those places where the Great Old Ones were imprisoned or where they had a chance of "breaking through" in force to the Prime Material Plane.
