Explanatory Notes

FREQUENCY: Very rare indicates a 4% chance of occurrence,
    rare indicates an 11% chance,
    uncommon indicates a 20% chance,
    and common indicates a 65% chance.
    Unique indicates that there is only one of the creature in existence.

NUMBER APPEARING: This refers to the likelihood of a particular creature being encountered in a region or area where it might be an inhabitant.
Very rare indicates a 4% chance of occurence,
rare indicates an 11% chance,
uncommon indicates a 20% chance,
and common indicates a 65% chance.
Unique indicates that there is only one of the creature in existence.

ARMOR CLASS: This is a measure of how difficult it is to hit a creature,
and subsumes the general type of protection worn by humans or human-shaped beings,
protection inherent to the creature due to its physical structure or magical nature,
or the degree of difficulty in hitting a creature due to its speed, reflexes, etc.
Occasionally, a god's or hero's armor class may not jibe with the being's stated armor and dexterity,
but this is due to the magical nature of the being.

MOVE: This shows the relative speed of a creature on a constant basis.
Higher speeds may be possible for short periods, but as this is generally
applicable to all sorts of beings, a constant is shown. It can be scaled to
whatever time period is desired by adjusting ground scale accordingly. A
standard time scale is inches per turn. The number might be double, and
this indicates that the creature can travel in two mediums or modes:

    /#" = flying speed
    //#" = swimming speed
    (#") = burrowing speed
    *#' = speed in web

Infinite indicates that the entity can travel to any point desired with no time lapse, and this is the being's preferred mode of movement.
Infinite movement is a sort of continuous no-error teleport ability.

HIT POINTS: This indicates the amount of damage a creature can withstand
before being killed (or, in the case of deities, temporarily banished
back to their plane of origin). It is not used as a measure of the attack
ability of the being, as that is determined by using the entity's most advantageous
character class ability.

HIT DICE: This indicates the parameters of the number of hit points a creature
can withstand before being killed.
Unless stated otherwise, hit dice are 8-sided (1-8 hit points).
The indicated number of dice are rolled, and
the number shown on each are added together to arrive at a total number
of hit points. Some creatures have hit points which are less than a full 8-
sided die, ond this is shown by stating their hit dice as a point spread.
Some creatures have additional points added to their hit dice;
this is indicated by a plus sign followed by a number shown after the number of hit dice they have, i.e. HIT DICE 4 + 4 (which equal 4-32 hit points +4 points, or 8-36 hit points). Creatures without character classes use hit dice as a measure of their attack ability.

% IN LAIR: This indicates the chance of encountering the creature in
question where it domiciles on the Prime Material Plane (if it ever does). If
a creature encountered is not in its lair it will not hove any treasure unless
it carrier "individual" treasure or some form of magic. Whether or not an
encounter is occurring in the creature's lair might be totally unknown to
the person or persons involved until ofter the outcome of the encounter is

TREASURE TYPE: This refers to the table of treasure types on page 105 of
description of the table's use is on page 5 of the aforementioned book.
<(explanation of the table's use)>

NUMBER OF ATTACKS: This shows the number of physical attacks the being is
able to make during a given melee round. The number can be modified by hits which sever members, spells such as haste or slow, and so forth. It does not usually consider
unusual or special attack forms. Multiple attacks usu. indicate the use of several members, such as multiple heads, or two claws and a bite, or multiple attacks due to a being's high-level fighter or monk ability. A listing such as "3/2" indicates 3 strikes per every 2 rounds.

DAMAGE PER ATTACK: This simply indicates the amount of damage a
given attack will cause when it hits expressed as a spread of hit points. In
the case of intelligent beings who can use weapons, the damage from the
primary weapon(s) of employment is listed, but this may vary if other
weapons are substituted. Magical weapons bonuses are not included.

SPECIAL ATTACKS: This notes such attack modes as breath weapons,
poison, magic use, inherent abilities, special weapon powers, etc. A full
explanation of the mode is detailed in the body of the description below.
This listing only includes special abilities above and beyond character class
abilities (if such are listed in the statistics).

SPECIAL DEFENSES: These are simply what the term implies and are detailed
in the material describing the being.

MAGIC RESISTANCE: This indicates the percentage chance of any spell absolutely failing to affect the magic-resistant creature. It is based on the
spell being cast by a spell caster of 11th level, and it must be adjusted upwards
5% for each level below 11th or downwards 5% for each level
above 11th of the spellcaster casting the spell.
Thus a magic resistance of 95% means that a 10th level spell-caster has no chance of affecting the creature with a spell or spell-like effect,
while a 12th level spell-caster has a 10% chance.
Even if a spell does affect a magic-resistant creature,
the creature is entitled to normal saving throws (if applicable).
 A creature's magic resistance extends only to its immediate possessions, i.e. anything carried or won.
Area-effect spells will still function if targeted with a magic-resistant creature within their area;
the creature itself might not be affected,
though all others in the spell area will be subject to spell effects.
(A fireball, for example, may wipe out a cluster of orcs,
and a devil standing in their midst might be totally unaffected due to its magic resistance).
The magic resistance of a creature has an effect on certain existing spells such as hold portal,
where it indicates the probability of the magic resistance shattering the existing spell.)

Special Note: Certain deities have special abilities (of a magical origin)
that "never fail", e.g. a weapon that never misses, or an ability against
which there is no save. Creatures with magic resistance may still avoid the
effects of these abilities if they make a successful magic resistance roll. To
determine level of the deity with the magic ability, use the deity's highest
level character class ability, unless it is less than 15th level for demigods,
20th level for lesser gods, or 25th level for greater gods, in which case the
aforementioned levels should be used.

To determine level of the deity with the magic ability, use the deity's highest level character class ability,
unless it is less than 15th level for demigods, 20th level for lesser gods, or 25th level for greater gods, in which case the aforementioned levels should be used.

In monsters, this indicates the basic equivalent of human "IQ".
Certain monsters are instinctively, or otherwise, cunning, and such is
accordingly noted in the body of the descriptive material. The ratings correspond roughly to the following character intelligence scores:
0 Non-intelligent or not ratable
Animal intelligence
2-4 Semi-intelligent
5-7 Low intelligence
8-10 Average (human) intelligence
11-12 Very intelligent
13-14 Highly intelligent
15-16 Exceptionally intelligent
17-18 Genius
19-20 Supra-genius
21+ Godlike intelligence

SIZE: This is abbreviated as: "S", smaller than a typical human;
"M", approximately man-sized (5' to 7' tall and of approximate human build);
and "L", larger than man-sized or another and generally having greater mass.

This shows the characteristic bent of a monster or hero to law
or chaos, good or evil or towards neutral behavior possibly modified by
good or evil intent. It is important with regard to the general behavior of
the being when encountered.

The above is also true as regards the alignment of divine beings,
except that deities are not always constrained to follow their alignment to the letter. Their motives and purposes are far above the mortal, and though a deity will generally follow his or her alignment,
the being's specific actions may sometimes seem to contradict this.

WORSHIPERS ALIGN: This refers to the general alignment of those who worship, adore or propitiate the deity.
This does not necessarily apply to the alignment of the deity's clerics,
which must be identical with their patron's.

SYMBOL: Fairly self-explanatory, this is the symbol by which the deity and his or her faithful followers aer known. It will be found engraved on most holy items.

PLANE: This refers to the deity's plane of origin. Usually this will be an outer plane corresponding to the deity's alignment, but sometimes it varies due to the being's particular sphere of influence, as with those deities originating on the Elemental Planes or actually existing on the PMP. Also, some deities may be located on a plane which seems to conflict with their alignment because other deities of the same pantheon with whom he or she is associated are also located there.


CLERIC/DRUID: This refers to the being's ability to function as a cleric and/or druid. Wisdom spell bonuses apply to the number of spells that being can have.
Note that a divine being need not be of neutral alignment to have levels of druidical ability. Furthermore, nothing prevents deities from functioning in several different apparently-inconsistent classes at once.

FIGHTER: This refers to the being's ability to function as a fighter, paladin or ranger.
Note that alignment does not necessarily preclude inconsistent classing here, either.

MAGIC-USER/IILLUSIONIST: This describes the level of the being's general magical spell ability, if any. Simultaneous classification in both areas is possible.

THIEF/ASSASSIN: This refers to the being's level of ability in regard to the thief and/or assassin classes.
Once again, alignment does not preclude inconsistent classing.

T15, Dex 19
PP: 130 (115 + 15)
OL: 112 (92 + 20)
FRT: 100 (90 + 10)
MS: 111 (99 + 12)
HS: 111 (99 + 12)
HN: 50
CW: 99.5
RL: 75

MONK/BARD: This refers to the being's abilities as a monk or bard, if any.
Note that alignment is not necessarily a consideration for either of these classes, and that bardic ability indicates only that a being has the corresponding bardic powers, and does not necessarily imply abilities in the fighter and thief classes.



Where psionic abilities are indicated for heroes or monsters,
they are listed as a strength point value, with attack and defence
modes noted. However, the gods' psionic abilities are somewhat
standardized, and fall into the following six classes:
Class Psionic Strength Psionic Strength range Disciplines Attack Modes Defense Modes
I 326-365 325 + d40 5 minor, 2 major All All
II 276-315 275 + d40 4 minor, 2 major All All
III 236-265 235 + d30 3 minor, 2 major All All
IV 181-210 180 + d30 3 minor, 1 major All All
V 91-110 90 + d20 2 minor, 1 major A, B, C, E F, G, H
VI* Nil - Nil Nil Nil

* Beings listed as class VI cannot use psionics and are invulnerable to any type of psionic attack, including psionic blast.

Psionic disciplines function at a minimum level of 15th for demigods,
20th for lesser gods and 25th for greater gods.

S: I: W: D: C: CH:

These are the abbreviations for the being's abilities.
They are followed by the entity's scores.
Ability scores that exceed 18 are explained below.

STRENGTH: This score is always followed in parentheses by the being's bonus "to hit" and damage,
if any.
These correspond to the following table, for those scores above 18:
Score "To Hit" 
Bend Bars/Lift Gates
19 +3 +7 4,500 7 in 8 (3) 50% (as hill giant)
20 +3 +8 5,000 7 in 8 (3) 60% (as stone giant)
21 +4 +9 6,000 9 in 10 (4) 70% (as frost giant)
22 +4 +10 7,500 11 in 12 (4) 80% (as fire giant)
23 +5 +11 9,000 11 in 12 (5) 90% (as cloud giant)
24 +6 +12 12,000 19 in 20 (7 in 8) 100% (as storm giant)
25 +7 +14 15,000 23 in 24 (9 in 10) 100% (as titan)

The numbers in parentheses under Open Doors indicate the chance of forcing open a locked, barred, magically held or wizard locked door,
but only one attempt ever (per door) may be made, and if it fails no further attempts may succeed.

INTELLIGENCE: The following table applies to intelligence scores over 18:
Score Chance to 
Know Each 
Listed Spell
Minimum Number of 
Spell Immunities
19 95% 11 first level illusion/phantasm spells 
20 96% 12 second level illusion/phantasm spells
21 97% 13 third level illusion/phantasm spells
22 98% 14 fourth level illusion/phantasm spells
23 99% 15 fifth level illusion/phantasm spells
24 100% 16 sixth level illusion/phantasm spells
25 100% 17 seventh level illusion/phantasm spells

Beings of very high intelligence will not be fooled by illusion/phantasm spells;
they will note some inconsistency or inexactness which will prevent their belief in the illusion.
A being with a 19 intelligence will never believe a 1st level illusion/phantasm spell, even if cast by a high-level spellcaster,
and will thus avoid all effects.
Beings with greater intelligence can also ignore higher level illusions, as indicated.
All effects noted are cumulative (e.g. a 20 intelligence gives immunity to first and second level illusions).

WISDOM: The following table applies to intelligence scores over 18:
Score Spell Bonus Spell Immunities
19 One 4th & one 1st Cause fear, [charm person], [command], [friends], [hypnotism]
20 One 4th & one 2nd Forget, [hold person], [ray of enfeeblement], [scare]
21 One 5th & one 3rd Beguiling, [domination], [fear]
22 One 5th & one 4th Charm monster, [confusion], [emotion], [fumble], [suggestion], [telempathic projection]
23 Two 5th levels Chaos, [feeblemind], [hold monster], [magic jar], [mass domination], [quest]
24 Two 6th levels Geas, [mass suggestion], [rulership]
25 One 6th & one 7th Antipathy/sympathy, [finger of death], [mass charm], [Otto's irresistable dance]

Beings of very high wisdom are immune to the effects of certain charm-type spells,
psionic abilities and spell-like effects. These immunities are cumulative with higher wisdom.
Beings with high wisdom are simply able to automatically throw off the effects of these spells.

DEXTERITY: The following table applies to dexterity scores over 18:
Score Reaction/Attacking 
Defensive Adjustment Picking Pockets Open Locks Locate/Remove Traps Move Silently Hiding in Shadows
19 +3 -4 +15% +20% +10% +12% +12%
20 +3 -4 20 25 15 15 15
21 +4 -5 25 30 20 18 18
22 +4 -5 30 35 25 20 20
23 +4 -5 35 40 30 23 23
24 +5 -6 40 45 35 25 25
25 +5 -6 45 50 40 30 30

Note: The last five columns (Picking Pockets, etc.) apply only to beings with thief, assassin or monk abilities.

CONSTITUTION: The following table applies to constitution scores over 18:
Score HP Adjustment* Poison Save Regeneration
19 +5 (no 1s rolled) +1 Nil
20 +5 (no 1s rolled) +1 1 point / 6 turns
21 +6 (no 1s or 2s) +2 1 point / 5 turns
22 +6 (no 1s or 2s) +2 1 point / 4 turns
23 +6 (no 1s or 2s) +3 1 point / 3 turns
24 +7 (no 1s, 2s or 3s) +3 1 point / 2 turns
25 +7 (no 1s, 2s or 3s) +4 1 point / 1 turn

* The additions for each hit die are for fighter, paladins and rangers only;
all beings without one of these classes can receive no more than 2 bonus points per die.
The other modifications to the dice are applicable to any class.
The notation "no 1s rolled" indicates that any 1s rolled when HP are being figured should be counted as 2s.
At 21 and 22 constitution, 1s and 2s are counted as 3s, and so on.

CHARISMA: The following table applies to charisma scores over 18:
Score Maximum No. 
of Henchmen
Loyalty Base Reaction 
Awe Power
19 20 50 40 Up to 1 HD / level
20 25 60 45 Up to 2 HD / level
21 30 70 50 Up to 3 HD / level
22 35 80 55 Up to 4 HD / level
23 40 90 60 Up to 5 HD / level
24 45 100 65 Up to 6 HD / level
25 50 100 70 Up to 7 HD / level

Awe Power is defined as the reverential fear or dread or overpowering
desire to worship caused by the mere sight and presence of a divinity.
In every case dealing with the levels listed, creatures that gaze upon a divine
being will be stunned into inaction so that they will be aware of nothing
but the presence of the deity until the deity disappears from sight (no saving throw).
This works through any control up to and including a [magic jar] spell.
Stunned creatures canot initiate any other action than physical
defense if attacked while under the influence of the awe power.
Note the awe power applies only to divine beings (gods and demigods).
Mortal-born persons who somehow acquire godlike charisma will not radiate this

In certain instances, some divinities are so loathsome and repellent as to
actually have negative charisma. This applies only to the truly ghastly
divine beings. The horror which their appearance and presence inspires
causes creatures in the HD or level range noted below to be stunned
with fear and detestation until the being is no longer in sight. While in this
condition a creature can do nothing but defend itself physically against
attacks. As with awe power, even if a person were to be given negative
charisma through some terrible curse or change, he or she would not
acquire the horror ability. The reaction of the average creature to a hypothetical
non-divine being with a negative charisma would be a desire to kill it immediately.
Charisma Score Reaction Adjustment Horror
-1 -40% Up to 1 HD / level
-2 45 Up to 2 HD / levels
-3 50 Up to 3 HD / levels
-4 55 Up to 4 HD / levels
-5 60 Up to 5 HD / levels
-6 65 Up to 6 HD / levels
-7 70 Up to 7 HD / levels

Beings with a negative charisma will never have henchmen of a normal nature.

Cleric spells (C15, W10)
Level Spell References

Magic-user spells (MU15)
Level Spell References

Illusionist spells (I15)
Level Spell References

