
Thieves' Guild of Lankhmar

This group is the perfection of the gangster's dream.
It actively seeks to eliminate any thieves not of its membership and has the tacit support of the people of the city,
who fear to report members of the Guild to law enforcement authorities.

The members all study intensive training courses in all aspects of the thieving art,
which means that instructors are always available for those studying to advance a level.

The Guild is led by a 12th level Master Thief and he attempts to prevent other members from becoming
as skilled as he is.

At any given time, there are 3-24 members who are about the fifth level of ability (this dos not include the many lesser thieves who are members).

Their Guild Hall appears to be an old mansion,
but has actually become a well-disguised fortress with many levels underground with escape tunnels which lead to exits all over Lankhmar.
< Nehwon Mythos - DDG >

