Appendix 1: The Known Planes of Existence
The Inner Planes The Outer Planes Ethereal Travel and Combat - >
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DDG - - - MP

There exists an infinite number of parallel universes and planes of existence in the fantastic "multiverse" of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS.
All of these world co-exist, but how "real" each is depends entirely on the development of each campaign referee.
The charts and explanations which follow show only the various planes tied to that normal existence.
The parallel universes are not shown, and their existence might or might not be actual.



The Prime Material Plane
The Prime Material Plane (or Physical Plane) is the "center" of the Inner Planes.
It houses the universe and all of its parallels.
It is the plane of Terra, and your campaign, in all likelihood.
The Prime Material is bounded or permeated by all of the Inner Planes and the Astral Plane.
The Prime Material Plane is made up of the four elements plus positive and negative energy.

The Positive Material Plane
This is a place of energy and light,
the place which is the source of much that is vital and active,
the power supply for good.
Any creature from the Prime Material that tried to enter the Positive Material Plane (e.g. from the Ethereal Plane) would probably be instantly consumed by the powerful energies there.

The Negative Material Plane
This is a place of anti-matter and negative force,
the source of power for undead,
the energy area from which evil grows.
No one is certain what types of creatures may exist on the Negative (or Positive) Material Plane.
Any creature from the Prime Material Plane would probably be completely drained of all life and energy.

The Elemental Planes
The planes of Air, Earth, Fire and Water "surround" the Prime Material Plane.
Fig. 1 shows one way of visualizing their relationship to each other and the other Inner Planes.
The Elemental Planes are represented by the band that surrounds the Prime Material Plane(s).
Don't be fooled by the apparent sizes of the planes represented in Fig. 1.
There are an infinite number of parallel Prime Material Planes,
and each and every one of these are bounded by the Elemental Planes,
so the Elemental Planes are themselves infinite,
in effect.
Fig. 2 shows one way of visualizing the Elemental Planes' relationship to each other.
It is possible to actually physcially move from one Elemental Plane to another by moving through the Para-Elemental Planes.

The Elemental Planes are the homes of many different kinds of elemental creatures,
and some of them have the ability to travel to the Prime Material Plane.
There is probably more traffic between the Prime Material and the Elemental planes than between any others.
This is usually either direct travel (either gates or summoning) or by way of the Ethereal Plane.
There are also nexal points in distant,
out-of-the-way places on the Prime Material Plane that lead directly to the Elemental Planes.

The Para-Elemental Planes
Where the Elemental Planes meet are the lesser Para-Elemental Planes.
These are:

    The Plane of Ice, where Air and Water meet.
    The Plane of Dust, at the conjunction of Air and Fire.
    The Plane of Heat, where Fire and Earth converge.
    The Plane of Vapor, at the meeting of Earth and Water.

These planes are home to many para-elementals,
and they can be reached in the same manner the Elemental Planes can be reached.

The Ethereal Plane
The Ethereal Plane surrounds,
touches and permeates all of the Inner Planes and the endless parallel worlds of the universe without being a part of them.
The Ethereal Plane is basically insubstantial, and few "real" creatures actually live there (though there are rumors of floating islands of solid ether,
populated by exiles, which drift around the Ethereal Plane).
To creatures on the Ethereal Plane, objects on the Prime Material Plane (or any of the Inner Planes) appear as incorporeal phantoms.
Ethereal creatures may pass through these phantoms with no difficulty,
although a person "passed through" might experience a chill down the spine.
Ethereal beings or things are "real" to each other,
Note that the Ethereal Plane does not extend to the Outer Planes,
so it is not possible for creatures on those planes to "go ethereal".
Ethereal travel and combat are explained later.

The Plane of Shadow
The Plane of Shadow co-exists with the Prime Material Plane,
and is a result of the interaction of that plane and the Positive and Negative Material Planes.
The Negative plane provides the darkness,
and the Positive plane the light;
these meet at the Prime Material Plane, which casts the shadow.
Thus the Plane of Shadow is a place of distorted and mutable shadow-creatures, of white, black and all shades of gray.


The Astral Plane

This plane radiates from the Prime Material to a non-space where endless vortices spiral to the parallel Prime Material Planes,
and to the Outer Planes as well.
This plane can be used to travel to distant worlds,
to parallel planes, or to the Outer Planes themselves.
Note that the Astral Plane touches only the upper layer of each of the Outer Planes,
and of the Inner Planes it touches only the Prime Material, see Fig. 3.
Astral travel and combat are explained later.

The Outer Planes of Alignment

These planes are the homes of the deities and the source of alignment
(religious/philosophical/ethical ideals). There is an exact correspondence
between alignment and the Outer Planes. Figure 4 and Figure 5 can be
used to visualize this more clearly. Note that the alignment positions on
the Character Alignment Graph match up exactly with the Outer Planes of
identical alignment. There are nine basic alignments, and nine planes
which correspond to those alignments. There are also eight other planes
between the nine which represent "borderline" alignments.

As Fig. 4 shows, alignment is a matter of degree rather than absolute
definition. Thus a lawful evil character who tended towards neutral evil
would probably end up in Gehenna rather than Hades or the Nine Hells.
The seventeen Outer Planes are as follows:

    The Seven Heavens of absolute lawful good.
    The Twin Paradises of lawful/neutral good.
    The layers of Elysium of neutral good.
    The Happy Hunting Grounds of chaotic/neutral good.
    The layers of Olympus of absolute chaotic good.
    The layers of Gladsheim (Asgard, Vanaheim, etc.) of neutral/good chaotics.
    The layers of Limbo of neutral (absolute) chaos.
    The layers of Pandemonium of neutral/evil chaotics.
    The 666 layers of the Abyss of absolute chaotic evil.
    The layers of Tarterus of neutral/chaotic evil.
    Hades' "Three Glooms" of neutral (absolute) evil.
    The furnaces of Gehenna of neutral/lawful evil.
    The Nine Hells of absolute lawful evil.
    The nether layers of Acheron of neutral/evil law.
    Nirvana of neutral (absolute) law.
    The layers of Arcadia of neutral/good law.
    The plane of Concordant Opposition of true neutrals.

As can be seen from Fig. 3, the seventeen Outer Planes contact each other
at their topmost layers. It is possible to MOVE directly from the upper layer
of one Outer Plane to an adjacent one (though it is not necessarily advisable
or safe). Thus a being could go from the topmost layer of the Abyss
to Pandemonium or Tarterus, and it is likewise possible to MOVE from
Hades to Tarterus, Gehenna, or the plane of Concordant Opposition.



A character can achieve the ethereal state (move to the Ethereal Plane) BY
various means which incl. magic spells, magic items, magical ointment
(oil of etherealness) or psionic discipline. It is possible to MOVE to or about
any of the Inner Planes which the Ethereal Plane permeates, and it is psb.
to MOVE from plane to plane ethereally. To MOVE on the Ethereal Plane,
an entity has but to will movement for it to happen. If concentration
upon movement lases, progress immed. halts. Ethereal travel is tireless
&& rapid. Creatures in ethereal state need neither food, drink, REST
nor sleep. Ethereal creatures may move from plane to plane by moving
from the shadow of one plane to the shadow of another. This may be accomplished
by concentrating on the desired destination. This
gets easier w/ practice, as the being marks out a mental "trail" through
the ether. The first time a journey between two points is made, the DM
should check for encounters three times. Ont he second journey, he || she
should check twice, and on all subsequent journeys between the two
known points, only one check need be made.

Ethereal Encounters

Encounters occur on a 1 in 20; if the party is following an unfamiliar
"path", check three times total: at the beginning, midpoint, and at the end
of the journey. If an encounter is indicated, consult the Ethereal Encounter Table (below)
and roll percentile dice. Read to the right on the table to
find the creature (and #) encountered. Evasion is psb. only if the
adventurers are able to MOVE more quickly than the monster encountered.
This will occur only if the party is both following a familiar "path" and the
least-intelligent member of the party has a higher intelligence score than
the most-intelligent pursuer (due to the fact the ethereal travel is a function
of mental concentration.

Ethereal Encounter Table
01-04 = Aerial servant, 1
05-08 = Basilisk*, 1-2
09-11 = Cockatrice*, 1-4
12-16 = Couatl, 1-4
17-23 = Djinni, 1-6
24 = Dragon, chromatic, 1
25 = Dragon, platinum, 1
26-27 = Efreeti, 1-3
28-32 = Elemental, air, 1
33-34 = Elemental, earth, 1
35-36 = Elemental, fire, 1
37 = Elemental, water, 1
38-42 = Ghost, 1
43-44 = Gorgon*, 1-2
45-46 = Groaning spirit, 1-2
47-51 = Human traveller -- see Character Subtable**
52-53 = Intellect devourer, 1-2
54-56 = Invisible stalker, 1-3
57-61 = Ki-rin, 1
62-68 = Lammasu, 2-8
69-70 = Medusa*, 1-2
71-72 = Nightmare, 1-4
73-74 = Salamander, 2-5
75-77 = Shedu, 1
78-81 = Spider, phase, 1-6
82-88 = Thought eater, 1-3
89 = Titan, elder, 1
90-92 = Titan, lesser, 1
93-94 = Titan, major, 1
95-97 = Wind walker, 2-5
98-00 = Xorn, 3-6

* These creature's perceptions extend into the Astral and Ethereal Planes
(as do their magical attack forms), but they do not actually travel
therein. Their psb. appearance applies only to situations in which
the encountering party is near to the PMP, and could
therefore psb. be affected by the creature's attack forms.

** The Character Subtable used for DUNGEON RANDOM MONSTER ENCOUNTERS
in the DMG is used, with the following
modifications: Party size will be only 1-6. No limits to the # of
characters of one class apply. There will always be 1 cleric; if there are 2
or more in the party, there will also be a min of 1 M-U.
Character level will be:

CLERIC, 9th-18th
    Druid, 7th-14th
FIGHTER, 8th-15th
    Paladin, 7th-16th
    Ranger, 7th-16th
MAGIC-USER, 11th-20th
    Illusionist, 10th-17th
THIEF, 9th-16th
    Assassin, 10th-15th
MONK, 8th-17th
BARD***, 11th-18th

*** 7th or 8th level fighter ability, 6th to 9th level (d4+5) thief ability.

The Ether Cyclone

The twisting vortex of the Ether Cyclone is caused by fluctuations of the Inner
Planes, and as such is only encountered on ethereal journeys between
planes. There is a non-cumulative 5% chance per plane crossed that a party
will encounter the Ether Cyclone. The effects of being caught in the
Cyclone are detailed below:
Dice Score Effect of Cyclone
1-10 Blows so as to move party in random direction at 120' per round, and if travelling is involved, party is slowed as to incur 1 additional encounter check. 
11-15 Blows to a plane different than that which the party is near or desires to travel to; the usual encounter checks must be made. 
16-18 Blows so as to cause party to be lost for 5-60 days, and when no longer lost the party will arrive at a different plane as determined by random means. 
19-20 Storm cyclone causes party to be lost for 10-120 days, and unless save vs. Spells is made, the party is blown to the Astral Plane. If a save is successful, then party will still arrive at a randomly determined plane touched by the ether. 

Ethereal Combat

Though the Inner Planes are mere phantoms to creatures on the Ethereal
Plane, such creatures will certainly be "real" to each other, and normal
melee or spell casting is psb. between ethereal beings. It is also
psb. to combat creatures who exist or function partially on the Ethereal
Plane. Thus, those creatures whose attack forms xtend to the ethereal can
be attacked by ethereal creatures. It is only in these instances that spells
can be CAST from the Ethereal to the Prime Material Plane, and then they
will only affect the creature with ethereal connections. Ethereal combat
damage is actual damage.


Astral travel is psb. by various means incl. magic spells and
psionic disciplines. The Astral Plane touches only the endless PMP
and the 17 "first layers" of the Outer Planes. The Astral Plane
does not touch any of the Inner Planes other than the PMP.
It is psb. to MOVE about, in, or to any of the Prime Material universes or
to the first layers of the Outer Planes by means of astral travel (see the
clerical astral spell for pertinent details). As with ethereal travel, movement
through the Astral Plane is speedy, and while there the individual
needs no food, drink, REST or even sleep.

Beings in an astral state MOVE from place to place simply by concentratting
upon moving to the desired destination. As with ethereal travel, this gets
easier with practice, as the astral traveller "learns the way". The DM
should check for encounters three times on the first journey between two
points, twice on the second journey, and only once on any subsequent

Astral Encounters

Encounters in the Astral Plane occur on a 1 in 20 chance; check one, two or
three times per journey, depending on the party's familiarity with the
route followed. Use the table below to determine creature(s) encountered.
Evasion is handled as described under Ethereal Encounters (q.v.).

Astral Encounter Table

01-04    Aerial servant, 1
05-10    Basilisk*, 1-2
11-13    Cockatrice*, 1-4
14-16    Demon, major, 1
17-22    Demon, minor, 1-3
23    Demon, prince, 1
24    Devil, arch-, 1
25-28    Devil, greater-, 1
29-37    Devil, lesser-, 1-3
38    Dragon, chromatic, 1
39    Dragon, platinum, 1
40-41    Gorgon*, 1-2
42-46    Human traveller -- see Character Subtable**
47-49    Intellect devourer, 1-2
50-55    Invisible stalker, 1-3
56-61    Ki-rin, 1
62-63    Medusa*, 1-2
64-71    Night hag, 1-4
72-74    Nightmare, 1-4
75-79    Rakshasa, 1-3
80-91    Shedu, 2-5
92    Titan, elder, 1
92-97    Titan, lesser, 1
98-00    Titan, major, 1

* See beneath Ethereal Encounter Table.

** See beneath Ethereal Encounter Table.

ThePsychic Wind

Perhaps the most dangerous thing that can happen to an astral traveller is
getting caught in the psychic wind. No one knows how or why the wind
blows, but all fear its effects. The chance of a delayed or disrupted journey
is a non-cumulative 5% per plane crossed (incl. alternate worlds of
the Prime Material) or solar system travelled (if journeying across the
Prime Material). The effects of the psychic wind are as shown below:
Dice Score Effect of Wind
1-12 Slows travel only, incur 1 additional check for random encounter. 
13-16 Blows off course, and party is lost for 2-20 days time, then must return to starting place.
17-19 Blows off course so that party arrives at a different destination as determined by random method. 
20 Storm blows, and unless a save vs. Magic is made, the silver cord is broken, and the party is killed. If a save is successful, the party is lost for 4-40 days and must return to the starting place thereafter. 

Note: If astral projection does not involve a silver cord attachment, then
the party concerned is both lost and arrives at a different destination when
struck by a psychic storm wind.

Astral Combat

As on the Ethereal Plane, astral beings are "real" to each other, and can
CAST spells and melee normally. The major impediment to these activities is
that astral travellers employing an astral spell or the psionic astral projection
discipline do not carry their possessions with them into the Astral Plane
(except for certain magic items that have a multi-planar existence,
e.g. an amulet of the planes). Beings travelling astrally by these modes
will therefore have to rely on their natural weaponry or spells without
material components in any astral melee. Most creatures can do no more
than destroy the astral body, causing the silver cord to return to the
material body and preventing further astral travel for a period of time.
Very powerful beings (gods, demigods, etc.) might be able to snap the
silver cord, thus killing the astral and material bodies simultaneously.


The purpose of this section is to sum up all of the information that has been
stated or implied about planar travel. First, travel among the Inner Planes:
this is usually done by means of the Ethereal Plane, as it permeates all of
the Inner Planes. (It is not possible for creatures on the Outer Planes to "go
ethereal"). As with all planar travel, it is also possible to pass directly from
one plane to another by means of "gates", thereby avoiding ethereal
travel. A gate may be formed by a magic spell (such as the gate spell, or
conjure elemental, which forms a direct opening between the planes), a
magic item (e.g. an amulet of the planes, a well of many worlds, a cubic
gate, or any of the various elemental-summoning devices), or divine
intervention. There are also direct nexial points connecting the Prime Material
and Elemental Planes.