Arcanadaemon (Greater Daemon)

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level IX])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Astral Plane])

MOVE: 12" / 18" (MC: B)
HIT DICE: 13+39
% IN LAIR: 10%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 <(claw/claw/horns/bite)>
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4/2-16/1-6
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 100% to first level spells
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
SIZE: M (6 1/2' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: All / all
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IX | 6950 + 18

The Unearthed Arcanadaemon appears as a robed human with the head of a fanged <oops>
jackal or war dog & a set of ivory white horns <c> jutting from the top of  his skull.

<no female arcanadaemons? a gay race?>


In combat, the creature uses these horns <c> to wicked effect doing
2-16 points of damage <2-16 HP damage>, biting for 1-6 points<HP>, and clawing twice for 1-4.
In +addition+ to his clawing attacks, the arcanadaemon can, at will, USE
[burning hands] as spell, doing 13 points of damage to those within 3 feet <'> <as spell?>
of his claw attack. The [daemon] can attack while using this ability.

The arcanadaemon can [fly] at the SPEED listed for an unlimited <small .gif: infinity symbol, on both sides of the word unlimited>
duration. In +A.D.D.ition+, it may USE the following powers at will:
<it? so, was the writer trying to say that the race is hermaphroditic and that he needs to improve his vocabulary?>

    [shapechange] to human form,
    telekinese325#, <v>
    create [darkness] within a 20' radius,
    [dimension door] and
    [teleport] (<1> per day).

In +addition+ to these abilities, the arcanadaemon uses spells as a MU of L11-18. <v> <direct link to spell table?>
<recommendation: use spells from UA, only>

The [daemon] may CAST these spells without checking his [MR].

An arcanadaemon may also USE scrolls & wands without checking his [MR] for success.
    <Here, is the implication that a creature with MR must check MR in order to use a magic item? Note this at the main MR entry>
    <The simplest ruling would be: this applies only to daemons. Note that daemon MR is innately atypical: MM2.28>
All other magical devices must first conquer the daemon's MR in order to function.

The arcanadaemon has psionic powers.

They usu. follow the minor sciences of <v> <minor science? PH.111>
[body equilibrium],
[detection of good/evil],

and the major sciences of
[aura alteration] & [molecular manipulation].

All these abilities are at the 10th level of mastery.

The arcanadaemon is a civilized breed of [daemon], and the [race] rules
from red-iron forts a large # of petty baronies throughout the Lower Planes.
    <1. forts - provide <l> to castle floorplans?>
    <2. baronies - in OD&D, this was used to denote the territory of a high level PC with a stronghold>
    <3. ensure that arcanadaemons appear elsewhere than Hades>
These forts will have 1-4 lesser daemons as servants as <make lesser daemon table>
well as 1-10 hordlings or diakks. The larger fortresses have portals into <larger might be defined in the dmg>
other planes, some of which are said to reach into the Prime Material.
Entry is prohibited, however, by magical signs<> & pentagrams.
    <generally, that is probably the right style for the pentagram>
    <however, it is 1) a little too big, and 2) it doesn't come across as a perfect circle when reduced>