HORDLING (Hordes of Hades)

FREQUENCY: Very rare (common on the Planes of Hades)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VI])
NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-6)
ARMOR CLASS: 3, 2, 1, OR 0
MOVE: 6", 9", 12", or 15" (see below) (MC: D with bat wings)
HIT DICE: 6+3, 7+2, 8+1, or 9
% IN LAIR: 0% (15% in Hades)
TREASURE TYPE: Nil ([C] in Hades)
NO. OF ATTACKS: By type of hordling
DAMAGE/ATTACK: See attack table
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Special Attacks Table
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapon to hit, plus see Special Defenses defense Table
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 0%, 5%, 15%, 30%
INTELLIGENCE: Semi-, low, average, very
ALIGNMENT: (Neutral evil)
SIZE: S, M, L (8' tall)
    VI | 525 + 8
    VI | 825 + 10
    VII | 1300 + 12
    VII | 1400 + 12

The hordlings who form the Hordes of Hades are of varied form, size,
power, and appearance. They have in common hideousness and hatefulness.
They roam the reaches of Hades preying upon all things, including
one another. The strong slay and devour the weak. They will serve
under strong leaders such as night hags, but they are untrustworthy,
rebellious, and quarrelsome, so hordes are not long-lived (nor are hordlings).
The disposition of hordlings is, in fact, chaotic. Similar creatures
are also common on the Planes of Tarterus, and a few are found on the
Abyssal Planes.
The only known method of drawing more than 1 hordling
to the PMP isthe bringer of doom, a strange device
created by arcane magic during the Invoked Devastation (see WORLD OF GREYHAWK set) and now lost.

The exact appearance and abilities of a given hordling are determined
randomly. Armor class, movement rate, hit dice, magic resistance, intelligence
and size are determined using 1d4 (see above for size, 1=small,
2-3=medium, 4=large.) Roll ld6for each physical characteristic detailed

1 Wedge-shaped
2 Conical
3 Discoid
4 Spherical
5 Cubical
6 Ovoid


Head Adornment
1 Bald
2 Mane
3 Frills
4 Lumps
5 Spikes (2-8)*
6 Horn (1-4) *
    *Attack 1/spike; 1-2/horn

Overall Visage
1 Gibbering, drooling
2 Glaring, menacing
3 Twitching, crawling
4 Wrinkled, seamed
5 Hanging, flaccid
6 Rotting, tattered


Ears 2 (1-4) or 4 (5,6)
1 Large, pointed
2 Small, pointed
3 Large, drooping
4 Large, fan-like
5 Huge, humanoid
6 None


Eye Colour
1 Dull black
2 Purple
3 Metallic
4 Maroon
5 Blank White
6 Opalescent


Eyes - 1 (1), 2 (2, 3), 3 (4).
1 Huge, protruding
2 Small, stalked
3 Large, turreted
4 Small, sunken
5 Large, round
6 Small, slitted


1 Wide, protruding
2 Slits only
3 Hanging snout
4 Long, pointed
5 Large, many-warted
6 Narrow, beaked


Mouth-large(1-4), huge (5,6)
1 Out-thrust tusks (a)
2 Many small fangs (b)
3 Long canines (c)
4 Tushes (d)
5 Crushing teeth (e)
6 Saw-toothed (f)


Appearance of torso
1 Fat
2 Rubbery
3 Thin
4 Narrow, long
5 Wide
6 Short, thick


1 Short, thick
2 Short, thin
3 Long, thick
4 Thrust forward, thick
5 Long, thin
6 None apparent


1 Humped
2 Hunched
3 Knob-maned
4 Bristle-maned
5 Fan-winged*
6 Bat-winged**
    * Flies 18" -- max. MOVE 9" on ground
    ** Flies 12" -- max. MOVE 12" on ground

1 Long, prehensile
2 Short
3 Long
4 Long, clubbed (i)
5 Long, barbed (k)
6 None


Arms - 1(1), 2(2-5), 3-4(6)
1 Multi-jointed
2 Telescoping*
3 Short, thick
4 Trunk-like
5 Long, thin
6 Tentacle
    * Reach is double

Legs- (2(1-4), 3(5), 4(6)
1 Long, thin
2 Short, bowed
3 Short, massive
4 Springing*
5 Hopping**
6 Telescoping***
    * can spring 20'
    ** can jump 10' in any direction
    *** can add 50% to normal height

1 Large, thick-fingered
2 Clawed (h)
3 Taloned (i)
4 Pinchered (j)
5 Barbed (k)
6 Knobbed (l)


1 Prehensile toes, long
2 Full hoofed (m)
3 Splay hoofed (n)
4 Clawed (o)
5 Suckered
6 Full webbed*
    * swims 6", 9", 12" or 15" (d4)

1 17 (+1 / +1)
2 18 (+1 / +2)
3 18/50 (+1 / +3)
4 18/75 (+2 / +3)
5 18/90 (+2 / +4)
6 18/99 (+2 / +5)


1 Black-brown
2 Russet-red
3 Orange-yellow
4 Olive-green
5 Blue-purple
6 Grey-white

Attacks Table (Match with rolled characteristics)
a Tusks, large / Tusks, huge 2-8 / 2-12
b Small fangs / Large fangs / Huge fangs ? / 2-8 / 2-8
c Long canines, large / Long canines, huge 1-6 / 1-8
d Tushes, large / Tushes, huge 1-8 / 1-10
e Crushing teeth, large / Crushing teeth, huge 3-6 (d4+2) / 4-7 (d4+3)
f Saw-toothed, large / Saw-toothed, huge 1-3 and 1-4 per round thereafter / 1-4 and 1-6 per round thereafter
g Blow 1 + strength, 2 hits = strangle for 2-8 + strength
h Claw 2-5
i Talon 1-6
j Pincer 1-4 + strength
k Barbed 1 per round and helf fast (except by tail)
l Knobbed 1-3 + strength bonus
m Full hoof 1-2 + strength bonus
n Splay hoof 1-3
o Claw (hind) 1-4

Special Attacks Table (10% chance for 2)
1 Breath weapon =equals= small [stinking cloud] spell vs. 1 opponent in 3' range
2 Gaze =equals= [ray of enfeeblement] spell vs. 1 opponent in 5' range
3 Legs used to =equal= [trip] spell vs. 1 opponent in melee
4 Sound emanation =equals= [fumble] spell vs. 1 opponent in 5' range
5 Double attacks for 1 round once per turn
6 Acidic spittle missile, 10' range, 2-8 points damage, once per turn


Special Defenses Table (10% chance for 2)
1 +2 || better weapon to hit
2 Fire and acid attack immunity
3 Cold, gas, && poison immunity
4 Electrical && [magic missile] immunity
5 Immunity to illusions && mental paralysis (charm, hold)
6 Regenerates at 2-5 hp/turn rate

All hordlings have ultravisual capabilities. Thosewith usable handscan
use weapons. They all can become near-invisible (75%) for up to 1 full
turn once per day; this requires 1 round. Hordlings are otherwise unremarkable.
Note: Treat hordlings as minor demons with respect to
clerical "turning" and like effects.

cf. OSRIC.218:Kullule(Demonic Hordling)