FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Freshwater Surface])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Freshwater Surface])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level VI])

MOVE: 18"
% IN LAIR: Nil
INTELLIGENCE: Very to exceptional
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: S (2' + in human-like form)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VI | 625 + 6

A boggart is the immature form of a will-o-wisp (q.v.).
One appears as a small demihuman, humanoid, || will-o-wisp as it desires. However,
while a boggart has more forms than its adult counterpart, it can retain 1
of these forms for no more than 10 or 12 rounds before losing control
and shifting to some other form. Of course a boggart can purposely
change form anytime it wishes. Because these monsters need both
meat and life force to grow to maturity, they tend to use human-like
forms to lure human-like adults and larger flesh eating creatures. Once
trapped or ambushed, the would-be predator becomes the prey of the
boggart. The monster devours the life force of the victim and its physical
body tool<f> Thus, no resurrection is possible.

The boggart attacks by touch, delivering 2-12 points of damage with electrical energy.
It can also discharge a bolt of this energy every other
round for up to 10 feet. However, the opponent so attacked is entitled to
a saving throw vs. breath weapon, and, if it succeeds, the victim suffers
only half normal damage (1-6 points). The most devious attack of a
boggart is confusion. A boggart can cause confusion once per day by
making noise, such asyelling, screaming, shouting, whistling, banging,
pounding, or thumping for 2 consecutive rounds. All creatures within a
30-foot radius of this noise will be affected if they can hear it clearly,
and even covering the ears will not prevent or alter the effect. Such
creatures must save vs. spell or be confused for 7-12 melee rounds.
Only a successful attack on a boggart casting [confusion] will cause it to
stop its noise at midpoint. If more than 1 boggart is making the noise,
then all must be stopped in order to foil the [confusion]. Saves versus a
multiple casting are made at -1 for each boggart completing 2 rounds of
continuous noise.

A boggart can also become invisible for up to 12 rounds, and this is
possible in any form the creature is in at the time. Note that invisibility
will not cease because of the noise made, so an invisible boggart can
create a horrible racket. Just as with a will-o-wisp, any weapon will
damage this immature form. However, all spells save [magic missile],
[maze], and [protection from evil] are useless against a boggart. When
reduced to 5 or fewer HP, a boggart will use all of its wit and
devices to escape further combat. This escape is usu. accomplished
by becoming invisible and running away or floating in will-o-wisp form
over ground impassable to its enemies.

Boggarts have the ability to use a limited form of [ESP] to understand
and speak all languages, although such speech will be very basic and
limited. When in glowing will-o-wisp form, they can pass through solid,
nonliving objects and even stone walls up to 2 feet thick. They cannot
pass through metals, for metals ground the electrical energy of the
creatures. Boggarts have normal infravision in human-like form.

In demihuman guise, a boggart typically appears as a small halfling or
young gnome. In humanoid form, the creature usu. takes the shape of
a goblin imp, young xvart, or norker neut. As a will-o-wisp, a boggart is
smaller and brighter.